ahhh, im used to catching at max 2lb'rs on the banks of fort loudoun lake. im usually throwing 4" worms and small craws.
Today, I decided i was going to fish a little place behind a skate park that no one ever fishes. I decided to go a little bigger bait this time using a Red Shad Bull Hog (weightless).
Just as I thought it was over and I had casts every little piece I threw it back out as far as I could and on the fall Bam! The pressure was so hard I thought I had caught some large bottom strolling fish. Finally get him up to the top and i had to hop him over some large rocks to get to the bank..everything seemed fine and I as soon as i pulled to get him on the bank the hook fell out.
I have gotten bigger bass before using this same lure but they always seem to get loose but I have never had one this large. The struggles of the newby fisher. ha!