Ive been thinking about my first boat for a year now, I had opportunity to buy a glass boat from very trusted person (WRB TOM), But unfortunately I was late two weeks for the money. Anyways I start research and research and ;ask week when glenn upload the video about buying bass boat, I got so many new information and I start more seriously look for what boat I want and what boat fits my needs. Since I am not going to very big lakes and not fishing rough waters, I chose the aluminum bass boat and specifically Ranger RT 178. Even in standard packaging will fits my needs, I might only upgrade to 70 trolling motor and add another battery, That would be all the changes.
Since I want to buy it cash, I am looking for money and deal both come in the same time so I can buy it. I put the link of Scott Martin talking about the boat for anglers like me that they looking for the first boat, it might be helpful. I forgot to say my last decistion was bass tracker but this ranger is way higher quality.
RT178 W/ Yamaha® F70LA
Minn Kota® Edge 70 45in
Midnight Blue
Since I know so many of you guys have bass boat, Do you have any comment for me about this boat that might change my mind?