Need advice on if I should install a boat launch and if it will be worth it. I recently inherited a 5 acres property with a beautiful house sitting on over 250 feet of river front off of the Coosa River in Alabama. Here's the problem, the city boat launch is about 20 minutes away from the house by road, and the banks to the river are extremely steep rising 10 to 15 feet above the river. Is it worth the money to install a ramp or some sort of winch system for a boat (Bass Boat or Pontoon Boat) for the convenience of not having to always drive down to the city launch? Would it help the resell of the property to a fishing enthusiast if it is installed? What kind of system should I be looking at if I did install it? It's hard to tell how steep the bank is from the picture, but hoping you all would have some insights and recommendations. Thanks in advance and happy fishing.