Sadly my cross necklace, the one I always wear and can be seen in most all of my pics on here, broke today. I was very disappointed as I've had that necklace for 3+ years. As I was pondering what I could do to possibly fix it, I remembered I had a short piece of Power Pro 50lb Spectra braid that I kept for some reason. Glad I did! Apparently the good Lord knew I would need it for something. So I took all the pieces of the necklace off the broken rope or whatever it was that held it all together and proceeded to thread them all on the braided line. The clasp is still good except for the ring that connected it to the rest of the necklace. So I used a split ring for the clasp side and another split ring for the other side that the clasp hooks onto and used palomar knots to tie the split rings on. Guess Power Pro 50lb Spectra braid and split rings are not just for fishing! Thank You Lord my cross necklace is fixed now! ?