Do you guys have any great ideas for repairing the top part of a texposed stick bait? The part that gets damaged when you bury the hook point?
I've come across strategies to save the head of the stick bait from getting torn up (barrel swivel, parasite clip, Damiki D-hold hook, screwlock hook).
But even if you are able to preserve the worm head, that top part of the worm where you bury the hook to texpose it gets torn up pretty much after 1-2 fish. You can skin hook the worm a little to the left or right, or keep burying the hook deeper and deeper, but that doesn't last much longer either.
I tried melting that area with a lighter, or brushing over that area with Mend-It, but neither of those really work.
You guys have any ideas?
I fused a fragment of an old/discarded worm bait onto the area with Mend It, with the intention of shaving it back down closer to being level with the top surface of the worm, but now that I look at it, I'm thinking of just leaving it as is, and burying the hook point into the new worm fragment, as opposed to back into the original worm.
(May make more sense if you check out the picture)
I know stick baits are cheap. I get some people won't go through the hassle of trying to save one. I'm just curious if anyone has any ideas. Thanks!