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Found 21 results

  1. This weekend I went to our family’s condo in Ludington! It wasn’t the best fishing weekend at the Pere Marquette lake, but today at the state park made up for it! I caught my PB Northern Pike, my tied for PB bass, and my first smallmouth in 3 months! Hooked a big smallmouth but I didn’t realize that my Ned rig was in his mouth because I was retying my ultralight.:( But still a great day of fishing! All except the Smallmouth were caught on my perch colored deep-diving Shadow Rap!
  2. New PB and the first bass I've caught to break into the 8lb range. She weighed on the digital scale right at 8lbs 0oz. Super stoked to catch a fish this big, looking forward to more and bigger ones in the future ?. Figured I'd post her here to document the catch. Goodluck out there ya'll, go catch some bigguns!
  3. There really isn't a general MA one so here it is. Post when, where, with what, discuss problems, success, WHATEVER ? ..... just keep it going!
  4. Got my new personal best just about 2 months ago and it was almost double my previous PB. Today I went out and beat that PB!! It wasn’t by much but it was a great fish. It’s also nice because this fish had a nice big head and a much longer body. My old PB was all gut. Thunderstorms came rolling in and I had time for about 2 more casts. Skipped a senko right up under a downed tree and just got crushed. I thought I was hung up on a branch until I felt the head shakes. Ironically it was on my Lew’s spinning combo and it is probably that last time I’ll have it in the boat as I just upgraded big time to a Ci4+ on a Destroyer. It was one hell of a way for this setup to limp into retirement. 6.23 lbs.
  5. HELLO!!! Sorry, its been so long but my laptop charger broke and I forgot the password for this website cause I keep it saved on my laptop, just got a new charger from Amazon so it all good now. Anyways, I did end up catching my PB, wasn't an LMB like I was hoping for but it was my personal best smallmouth bass at 2lbs and 14 inches. I had caught some smallies before but very few. I couldn't catch it on my birthday cause I got a surprise party and some friends slept over so couldn't do it the following day. So I finally got to go fishing on Sunday, one of my best days of fishing ever. I caught at least 10 smallies, tons of Rock Bass, Warmouth, Perch, lots of 1lb bluegills, pumpkin seed and a couple pickeral. Most of the smallies were small 8 through 6-inch dinks, also caught a 2 incher. All the fish were caught on a tiny 1/64th oz Gold trout magnet and in Nashua River next to the downtown and mills. I never even see any fish in there, but I guess there was... I also almost caught a nice 20 pound carp on the trout magnet but, he bent the hook when I set the hook... I will be going fishing in an hour to see what will be biting since I have finals and I am being dismissed early, right now I'm in class on my laptop since I finished for today, still have tons of studying to do for tomorrow, which is my last final. Wish me luck! Martin Sierra
  6. Good Morning yall, So tomorrow is my birthday (finally turning 14) and I was going to go fishing from 4 pm (when I get home from school) to 9pm-ish, its a pretty short time to go fishing, but I would like to catch my PB on my birthday, which right now is only 4lbs-ish. Anyone know any good lures to catch my PB? I will be fishing from the bank. Martin
  7. Day started out pretty decent. Enough clouds and wind to warrant some top water action, so tied on the spook and went to work. 1 blow up but ended up being a jumper and shook it loose on the 4th or 5th jump., looked to be a 3lb largemouth so was pretty bummed about that. After that i think i caught a couple dinky bass, nothing even over a pound..kind of a crappy start. Sun came out, got hot, and wind went away....Now I thought I really wasn't going to catch anything. Got on google and found this post: One tip was to use senkos around lilly pads. I don't use them very much anymore but I had brought some senkos in colors I bought but had never used. One color was bright neon green, and the other was junebug. I know junebugs a well known color but I rarely stray always from the greens and browns for soft plastics (Not after this outing though!). SOOOO I put on the junebug color and started smashing LM, plenty in the 2-3lb range. Then hooked into the chunky smallie. It was one of those hooksets that were just so solid, where you're not initially sure if it was a sunken car you're hooked to or fish. Every time the fish got close to the boat ZOOM it would pull out another 10 yds of line. Over and over again. Hand started actually getting pretty sore. Finally got it in, weighed it, 3lbs, 9 oz. Seemed a bit light so I took the picture of the fish close to my torso so i could measure later. After measuring my torso in the picture for length comparison I got ~21 inches in length, and i estimate girth to be ~16 ....well that gives me 6.9lbs from the BR calculator!!! I like what the calculator says a lot more but i don't exactly trust that either haha. Gotta be above 4lbs though. I'll be buying a new scale today though so i'll have to try and catch this bigun again.
  8. I caught my new PB on a frog yesterday! No better way to catch a fish of any size much less your PB. She's no where near the biggest this forum has seen at only 5 lbs 3 oz (some of you guys catch these on the daily ?) but it's still exciting to break your PB. Casted my frog behind a little stick up in a grass pocket and she exploded on it!
  9. Went out for about 1 - 1.5 hours today and stepped about a foot away from a (very cleverly hiding) rattlesnake as soon as I got there... Ten minutes later I caught my new PB though. I thought I'd foul hooked a grass carp it fought so hard... Also caught one smaller one a few minutes after that. Both were caught on a T-rig zoom lizard. Edit: I noticed that it's tail fin looked pretty beat up. Could it have been on a bed? I caught it about 4 feet off the shore.
  10. Jay B

    PB 10# 10oz

    PB 10# 10oz, many many years in making this happen. Taken just after a early spawn.
  11. I know there is already a catch pic thread and probably numerous other ways to brag about the best bass you have caught, but I thought it would be cool to have it all in one place. Feel free to post about how you caught it, or just post a picture. I caught my personal best, 4 lbs 9 oz Spot, using a tri-colored grub on a 1/4 oz ball head. I threw it down a rock wall and bam, PB.
  12. Dorado


    From the album: Dorado

    Nailed a baby-1 minus. Postspawn bass that was feeding on crappies in a 2 acre pond. A pair of joggers took my pics. That day made up for all of my skunked days haha.
  13. Both my PB bass in one day!
  14. bassinick

    my pb

    From the album: Nick

  15. From the album: Top Water Hawgs

    PB, 3.08Lb's. So much fun, this was like a movie, such a blast! Threw out a spook right next to a group of reeds sticking up out of the water as the steam is floating above the glass-like water. As soon as the bait hit the water ,you just see a swirl and she engulfs it ! She took the drag at first, jumped into the weeds, dove deep...anything a bass can do to try and get away, she did. A blast and a great day!
  16. I'm still pretty much in shock. I took my kayak out to the hot side of Lake Anna to get my fix like I have been all winter. Today was a really tough day, wind was blowing hard, making 90% of the lake unfishable from a kayak, water temps were low, and the waves coming over the nose and side of the kayak had me soaking wet. I'm not one to throw in the towel because of less than favorable conditions, so I ended up paddling for around 2 hours to find some protected water that was warm enough. A toasty 64 degrees compared to the 54 I started in. 4th bite of the day I lean back on the shakey head and start winding. Wow feels like a good one, then she *tries* to jump and I realize what I'm in for. I was only a few feet from a set of bridge pilings and that's exactly where she was headed with my 8lb leader. Somehow I managed to paddle myself away from the bridge and coax the fish into open water. A few heart stopping moments later I was able to lip the fish and bring her in the kayak with me. WOW what a fish. She measured 25" long 17" around, my last PB was 24" so I can at least call it a PB even without a weight. She wouldn't have bit anyways if I had a scale in my kayak! Not sure if I was okay to hold the fish like this, give me some feedback please. I was a little excited
  17. No doubt. Just caught this sucker today! And AGAIN... didn't have my scale lol sorry. Definitely at LEAST 3lbs. Biggest in size from the last 2 I posted. This was the biggun. Good fight!
  18. From the album: Bass Of 2015

    Caught on March 22, 2015. Water temp 55 Degrees, air temp 58 degrees with a SE wind.
  19. LakeOconeeScrub


    From the album: Untitled Album

  20. Let's see what your PB bass is! Pictures would be great! Don't be afraid to share if yours isn't as big as other people's, we just want to see your biggest! I'll start off with my two.
  21. So last summer I caught my pb largemouth up north. I was ecstatic...but also confused. Ill start with how I caught it, it was a textbook spot with submerged timber, about 6 feet deep, and knowing the structure of the lake because Ive fished there so many times (I dont have electronics) remembered there was an access to much deeper water! I flipped in a texas rigged venum craw (watermelon candy red) and hopped it around. 2 casts later I was about to give up but I noticed another hole a little deeper back, pitched her in and shook it, right as it fell my line was being pulled and my rod felt mushy almost, like being pulled through mud, so I swang and hooked into the fight of my life. When I landed her I noticed the bass was not widest around the middle...but fattest from the gill about 3 inches down. It looked like she swallowed a bird or something! Also she was only 19.5 in but weighed 5pn4oz!! I checked the scale and its accurate to a tee. My question is do you think this bass was possibly feeding on a small mammal/huge fish while I caught her? And is that the reason why she weighed so much...I mean, ive seen buddies catch 21+ plus in and weighing only 5 on the dot. Thanks
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