I'm new to Lake Ridge; I just moved in this week and I have a question that I can't seem to find an answer to anywhere...
I have read that the boat gas engine limit is 10 hp. I am still kind of confused about the actual terms of this rule specifically for the Occaquan resorvior. I have read different inland VA resorvoirs have diffferent variations of this rule, but I have found nothing pertaining to the Occaquan.
I have a 17 ft. bass boat with a 150 hp gas outboard and an 80lb electric trolling motor.
Am I still allowed to launch and use this boat in the Occaquan Resorvoir if I run it only on the electric trolling motor?
...or does this rule mean that a boat is not allowed in the resorvoir if it has any engine over 10 HP bolted on to it?
Also, does anyone know where I can find where this rule is written?