Nada, nothing, no fish, no bites.
Launched from Oak Ridge. Headed out a 1pm. Motored to a place where there was an old creek bed coming into the main channel. Did not see any fish on the fish finder in 25'+ water. Did my best to follow the creek to shore fishing all the way. Throwing a black/blue buzz bait and chartreuse spinner bait in, what turned out to be, 2' - 6' of water at every stump I could see. I did make it to the shore to what looked like the mouth of the creek. It went back a ways but dried up. I was zig zagging trying to stay on top of the creek bed so it took awhile but I covered a lot of water. Saw bait fish jumping every once in awhile. Something was busting top water also, I think Gar.
Back on the main channel and headed toward the launch as the sun was going down. Stopped at a spot where the shoreline was almost a cast away from main channel. Fish finder going crazy, fish suspended at 10' - 15' in 25' of water near the drop off. Spent 10 - 15 mins casting shallow and letting the buzz and spinner baits fall down the drop off.
Then the mosquitoes started biting once the sun went down. I headed to the launch. Put the truck in drive at 6:15pm and headed to the house.
Water temp was 58 - 60 degrees, scattered clouds, air temp supposed to be in the low 70s (felt like it, are we in the middle of winter?), nice gentle southern breeze.