Hello guys. I am looking to add and upgrade my gear this winter for next year. I am a HUGE finesse guy and have let my big stuff lag behind. I want to spend time this year punching, frogging, swimbaiting and throwing A-rigs. I really haven't given these the time needed to get proficient. Being an Ex Tournament guy, I have a hard time with multi use setups.
I already have a CarrotStix Wild Black 7'6" Heavy XF that i use for punching and frogging. I think i need 1 more to frog because if I am punching I am most likely frogging the same water. So I just bought another 7'6" H XF.
Then on to the A-rig, swimbaits and C-Rigs. Can i use the two punch/frog set ups for this? If i am out rigging, etc I wouldn't be frogging. Can i use an XF action for ARigs and big swimbaits/glide baits?
UGGGGGGG I am ruined because I want to have dedicated retrieve speeds, lines and actions. Bait monkey messing with my head!!! I really don't think i need 4/5 heavy/Xheavy setups to do this. I have kids now...not made of money anymore but I am not good at SwissArmyKnife Fishing.