Everything in nature is camouflaged to some degree, including fish, and prey. It can be a complex thing. I've stood on a bank and watched small bass swim slowly around weeds. Suddenly, another will move, and be exposed. They can blend in perfectly. Crawfish in my lake are a mottled brown color. They can sit still and it's really hard to see them, untill they move or are spooked. When shad swim together in large groups in the sun, the sun is actually helping as camoflauge, reflecting off these fish, making them a harder target for predators like bass. At some point years ago, someone realized that bass will strike the easy target first. The easy target disrupts the camoflauge and stands out, being exposed. A craw bait with chartreuse claws. A worm with an orange tail. A crankbait with a bright, odd color on the side. These all disrupt the camoflauge of the things bass feed on. I've wondered if bass actually miss target when they feed, because the prey can blend in so well at times. What are your thoughts here?