30 years ago, I attended a seminar at a sport show in Kansas city. The speaker was Larry Nixon. His seminar was on structure fishing, and was very good. At the end of his seminar he held up a plastic worm and said " learn this". Looking back over years of notes I've kept, this has been true for me. The simple plastic worm has landed me more fish than all other lures combined. On a typical hot summer day, I can usually score a couple of fish very early on topwater baits. My grandson calls this the easy bite. Other faster moving baits may work good too, but once the sun starts beating down, this faster fishing doesn't last long, and we switch to plastic worms. Its also, along with jigs, one of the harder baits for a novice to learn. Plastic worms make up 80% of my fishing time through the main part of the season. How many others feel this way? Regardless of brand name, size, color, etc, do plastic worms make up the bulk of your time on the water. Would it be your #1 choice, if you had to pick one bait? What percentage of your time is spent fishing worms- in all their forms on an average day? My vote goes for the plastic worm as the number 1 bass lure of all time. How many others agree or disagree?