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Found 7 results

  1. I caught a 9.5lb bass two years ago and want to get a replica done, the problem is I never got a length and girth.
  2. Just finished putting my rod tube on the ol' green Burban! Stoked about it! This thing fits all 6 of my go-to setups which consists of 5 baitcasters and 1 spinning reel. Longest rod is 7'11". It could probably fit more. It wasn't a snug fit at all. if any of you are thinking about doing this, it costs about: 75 dollars - Schedule 40 10 foot by 6 inch pipe (hardware store) 45 dollars - Conduit Carrier 6 inch end caps (Amazon) 30 dollars - Spray paint (took 2 and a half cans! And I'm still not happy with the result! If I could go back I'd probably use a brush or roller.) 10 dollars - lock 5 dollars - Sand paper 4 bucks for the 2x6 board because I needed more clearance on the STOCK suburban roof rack. Didn't even need a 500 dollar rack to do this project! 200 dollars a week - for the therapy I'll need from using my wife as a helper in mounting it (all in jokes! My wife was actually super helpful and we got it mounted in about 20 minutes)! Most guys cut the pipe down to 8 foot from what I've seen but I left it at 10 feet because I've got the suburban not a pickup. Love my suburban!! I highly suggest doing it if one of you have been on the fence about getting into it or not.
  3. Ive got an 07 nitro 591 and ive been wanting to get a powerpole but I keep seeing everyone who has them has a jackplate.Do I need a jackplate in order to mount one?
  4. I am trying to find a highly skilled taxidermist to create a replica of a largemouth bass I caught this spring. I live in the Kansas City, MO area, and was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of high quality taxidermy? Thank you for the help in advance!
  5. Hey guys I currently have a JK Big Tuna and I want to add a fish finder to it. I think that I'm going to pick up a Garmin Striker 7sv. I plan on using it on both the kayak and my friends jon boat. I want to use a Ram Transducer Arm so that I can switch back and forth from both boats, but I don't think that the transducer will mount properly to the arm. The transducer number is GT52HW-TM. It is similar in shape to the Lowrance LSS but is not exactly the same. Does anyone have ideas about how I could get this to work or how I could rig up a transportable system that will get the transducer deep enough in the water for the sidevu to work properly??
  6. So i have a piranhamax 153 for my kayak, i'm going to do the thru-hull mount. My question is the best way to do it. what should i use to stick it to the hull that is pretty permenant, but doesn't require a scientist to do it? i have heard of marine goop and other things like it, also i have heard of making a well out of electrical putty and filling it with water before i go out. honestly i prefer not to have to add water before each launch,but if it works better then so be it. any help would be great!
  7. I am looking to purchase a Garmin Echo 150 Dual Beam FishFinder and am looking for any and all tips/advice on mounting the transducer in the hull of my kayak. I have an Ascend FS-10 kayak so I have a nice "console" to mount the unit on. I am looking for tips/advice in terms of properly mounting the transducer so that I do not receive poor/false readings. Additionally, I am looking for any advice you could offer on how to store or mount the battery as well to conserve space, reduce interference and not slide around inside the hull. If you can point me in the direction of any other threads that already covered this topic that would be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks!
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