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  1. Just returned from a trip to Lake Baccarac in Mexico. After seeing videos and reading everything about it, I knew I had to make the trip down there. It definitely lived up to the hype. My buddy & I fished for 3 days, Tuesday-Thursday and had some truly great fishing every day, morning, afternoon & evening. I broke my PB a whole bunch of times, and caught some really nice fish. In the 3 days of fishing, I recorded a few 6s, a few 7s, a couple 8s and this 9lb 13oz toad pictured below. In between these bigger fish were more bass 1-5 pounds than you could count. 9lbs 13oz, caught on a purple Zoom super fluke on a Scrounger head while fishing a hump in 15' of water. Picked up this 8lb 10oz girl a little bit after dark on football jig with a Yamamoto heart-tail swim bait trailer. This fish was caught on top water a few minutes after we launched on day 3. 7lbs 6oz on a Megabass Pop Max. Caught this 8lb 9oz shortly after the 9-13. The fishing was truly great, with so many fish and quality fish as well. Top water fishing was good, with maybe 15 fish coming that way including the one 7 pounder. Lots more strikes including several from very large fish. When the top water bite would die as the sun got higher, the fish hit a variety of other baits. There were sometimes 5 minute spans when I would catch 10 fish around 2-3 pounds. There was never a long period of time in which no fish were boated. I certainly plan on returning to this bass fishing paradise, even more determined since I fell just 3 ounces short of a double digit fish.
  2. Just getting started on editing my GoPro vids, I get to involved in the editing process plus this year I took 2 cameras. So its takes a while to go through all the footage even with a 3 year old tugging at my arm to come play. ha Sixto was our guide for the entire trip and he knocked it out of the park to put us on BIG fish or as he called them !SUPER GRANDES! He was a fun guide and spoke English pretty well. I would gladly use him again! First Video shows how we got there. This time we decided to fly private with the owner Terry Hollan out of OK City on his 4 seater BeachCraft. It sure made customs and traveling a lot easier! Note: Be sure to watch the videos in HD to really get a good view. Everything was filmed in 1080p First Video is of us flying, shots of the lake and lodge as we flew over it and some footage of the wonderful people that took care of us for 6 days. Second, how about some fishing! Another perk to flying private was being able to get there early and have an extra 1/2 Day of fishing added to the already 4 days planned. We got to fish about 4 hours caught about 30 fish all together that afternoon and we had 5 that went over 5# Here is the first full day on the water. The 1:50 mark has the big bass of the day coming in at 7-13 Here is Dad landing a 8-11 on Crankbait! As I edit the videos I'll keep adding them to this page. I should have our first full day ready to go tonight. We did catch two over 10# this trip. I feel Baccarac is really heating up to only get better. Right after we left someone caught an 11# I have plenty of good pics, unfortunately I didn't get every !SUPER GRANDE! on the GoPro, I'll be sure to add them later.
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