Hey everyone, so I've got an interesting theory/conclusion about spool bearings for the Shimano '13 Metanium 100.
I've come to the conclusion, based on several videos and confirmation from previous owners of two MET100s that I have, that the reel may come with a different set of bearings, maybe based on when/where it was purchased. Mind blowing, I know...end sarcasm.
What got me started on this was that I purchased two used reels in great condition from reputable sellers. Upon inspecting the reels and lubricating them, I noticed that each reel had a different set of bearings from the other. One had a pair of bearings with a black outer ring, and the other had a bearing with a metal colored outer ring (pictures coming).
I've further confirmed this through watching several videos where people are opening up their '13 MET100s. I've paused the videos when they show the bearings and can clearly see that some have the bearing with a black ring and some have the bearing with the metal colored ring. The black ring on mine has the letters "NMB" on it.
The main thing is of course, does this all really matter in terms of performance and what other factors are involved? Upon comparing the two reels with free several free spool tests, I am confident that the metal colored ones outperform the black ones. I did this several times to control for differences in how strong I spun the reels and I started both reels before the other. The black ones consistently stopped before the metal ones, indicating that they may have more friction which is slowing them down. The difference isn't huge, but it's consistently several seconds (maybe over 10 seconds, which I can confirm later) behind. Of course, there are the factors of how much oil is in each (too much or not enough), what other components may be a factor, how hard I spun it (somewhat controlled for by running several tests), whether or not the previous owners were telling me accurate info (I don't have any reason to believe they aren't as they been very open with telling me about the reels, and I never approached them with any issues but more of curiosity), and other factors.
So, my question for you all is, what are you thoughts, and have you come across something like this before? I've already sent an inquiry to Shimano and will be reporting back with those findings.
Look forward to my thoughts on the hedgehog Zr bearings after I try them out! I bought them after I originally thought that the black bearings were not stock and seemingly performed not as well as the metal stock ones. Yes, little things like that annoy me, and I want the best performance from what I've got