I'm not retired yet, but hope to be next year. I still work three days per week full time, and two days part time for three to four hrs per day. Usually, I'm able to fish two or three nights per week after work. These are always bank trips by myself, as there's usually not enoupgh time to load the boat in the evening. Saturday morning is usually open, and I fish then for five or six hrs, with an older friend who goes with me. But, many times something comes up. Projects around the house, family commitments, or helping someone out with something. Simply put, it can be hard to find the time to fish as much as I'd like to. I've heard many guys say," I can't wait until I retire, then, I can fish all the time"! I think it doesn't always work out like that. So many other things to do. How do you manage your fishing time? Can you go as much as you'd like to? Hopefully next year, I'll have more time to devote to my favourite sport. Time will tell....