Anyone have experience fishing the Megabass Magdraft? I saw a vid where Lake Fork Guy and one of his friends were fishing and his buddy was throwing one of these and it looked pretty cool or at least cool enough to make me do an impulse buy on tw for a few. I know Oliver Ngy uses them a lot as well and seems to catch some good ones on them. It seems like it may hit that middle ground of mid-large soft swimbaits somewhere between keitech and huddleston at least in terms of price and product positioning. I've read that when retrieved at the right speeds it can have some nice action. I have also heard that its more durable than most but probably not quite as durable as advertised. If you have one of these on hand or fish them let me know how you like them and how you like to fish them. I'm looking forward to seeing what their about, this will be my first megbass plastic I've used. Tight lines!