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  1. The bluegills are starting to go full spawn mode in my neck of the woods and im sure in many of yours. Im still pretty new to catching greenbacks and am curious yalls favorite ways to catch them around bluegill beds! Its seems like they would be a hotspot for big bass going after fish on beds on the outskirts of colonies. I'm thinking wake baits, weightless worms, flukes, poppers, and chatterbaits. Any recommendations or tricks youre willing to share?
  2. Ok guys I’m interested to hear others opinions on this. You allowed 1 hardbait 1 softbait and 1 rod and reel or 1 rod 1 reel and 1 bait co what would they be for me I would have to go with dobyns, 13 fishing, and strike king, the only thing I would have to buy would be some berkley stunnas and megabass visions as strike king doesent currently make a nice sexy thin twitch style jerkbait
  3. Today I was fishing and I did Texas rig craw style zoom just to practice and tune my new Antares DC, So I grab that just randomly. I cast about 1 hour and I didn’t get any bite. I always use soft swim bait there and most of the times, so I change to 6” swim bait and 3rd cast I catch fish. I was thinking that I was more successful with fish/bait fish imitators more than craw style. I can say the only time of year I have luck with them is in summer, but any other time of year I didn’t have a chance with them. I’ll set worms aside which they work year round. do you agree with me? If not please let me know about your own experience.
  4. ok i fish the Charles river dock in Watertown and i have been for the past 2 weeks every day for at least 1 hour each time and i havent even seen a bass yet should i leave it or no it looks good and all and it has bait fish perch sunfish and all that stuff and i might have seen people catch a bass there but ya. also this river is either murky or murky clear it has weeds and logs in the water i have already lost like 4 lures there and it has alot of green stuff that gets on my lures any tips i normally go there around 245 at latest arive around 4 and fish until 530 and no bass. i have fished it all top water senko crankbait spinnerbait crawfish and no action on anything at all except for some sunfish and 4 inch bass looking things that i can drop my lure right infront of them since they camp the dock and they will nibble it and swim away every time thats the most action i ever got. i dont know what to fish it anymore what lures to use how to use them and all that i think i need a complete refresh of knowlage and tips can yall help me out.
  5. I would like some help indentifying these lures for my brother. He received them from my grandad. Thank you in advance?
  6. Hello, my birthday is coming up and i’m gonna get a good amount of lures/baits to add to my collection, any recommendations on what to get? Right now i only have roughly 10 lures in total (just the basics pretty much one type of each common lure), and about 10 bags of soft plastics... Also are ‘Yo-Zuri’ lures good for bass/ good for the price? I like how they look, but some people say for the price there’s better bass lures on the market
  7. Hello, have any of you heard or bought anything from Fishing Care Package and if you bought it, what did you think of it? Did you buy it from the Flash Sale that they have? Thanks, Martin Sierra
  8. I am new to salt water fishing, and recently bought a Battle II 3000 and Daiwa BG 4500 to do some fishing in inlets and salt water rivers, as well as try out some surf casting. I do realize some bigger reels would've been better for big fish surf casting. I am fishing Cape Cod in the Bass River area. I am wondering two things. I have seen and read a lot about backing your reels with Mono and mainlining braid and then using a leader. I am wondering what lb test for each of the 3000 and 4500. For each reel, What is the ideal lb test to back mono, mainline braid (lb test), and then leader lb test. What lengths of backing, mainline, leader should I be using for each. Should I use the guide lines on the reel for each? I have seen very varied responses on other posts, which I am assuming is mostly preference. Second thing I am wondering, is what are some of the better lures to use for this type of fishing, and live bait setups. What weights should be used, rigs, etc. Any advice would be great. Thanks! Ric
  9. We have had a ton of rain the last 2 weeks with more forecasted next week so most of our local spots are dealing with significant flooding. What type of lure would you recommend for VERY muddy flooded waters?
  10. We have had a ton of rain the last 2 weeks with more forecasted next week so most of our local spots are dealing with significant flooding. What type of lure would you recommend for VERY muddy flooded waters?
  11. What are some of your favorite Rapala lures whether it be discontinued or currently available? What color patterns do you like?
  12. Does anyone know the history of CC’s Crankbaits? I believe the Super Spot was once the Hot Spot? But what about the lipless crankbaits sold at Wal-Mart sold as Bait Bonanza? I realize they are selling some of their popular lures at a discount but I cannot find anything on that specific model of lipless and it looks nothing like the Super Spot. Is it a discontinued model? It still seems popular if it is.
  13. I’ve been fishing for a while now but I'm new to a baitcasting reel, I always fresh water fish mostly in my tiny pond, I just ordered my bait caster, I was wondering is it fine to use a bait caster in my situation? The pond I fish in isn’t deep at all and the fish are only about 1 or 2 pounds. Is it okay to use beetle spins or light lure?
  14. Hello. I am a pretty new bass fisherman and mostly fish small ponds. I know enough about lake fishing to know which lures to use when, but I am at a loss for pond fishing. Can you give me recommendations for baits to throw in ponds?
  15. I seem to have become a lure addict. I can’t seem to quit buying old tackle boxes of lures. I don’t know what it is but I get some kind of thrill going through these old tackle boxes and identifying these old lures. I know I will probably never find anything of any great value. I just enjoy finding out dates and details of when changes took place in the lure over the years. I have spent so much time looking at lure pictures because I have no way of looking them up by name. So I am hopping that som of you can see a picture and say I know what that one is. Or if you have one you need help with post it it may be one I finally located and know what it is. Or someone else is sure to know. I’m thinking some of these old timers may not remember their wives name but they can sure tell you what lure they caught that 10lb Bass on. Thanks for you help in keeping these old lures alive. Booger Hollow Bass (Ron) I’ll start this off with a River Runt. But it doesn’t seem to be a Heddon. It has no name and the hook hanger is different. The bill scoop is one piece that goes alway back to the front hook. Also like to know color name. Lippy Joe River
  16. In June i was up in West Virginia and caught my first trout. Everyone one else was fly fishing and i just had my bass rod . I decided to use good ol' bucktail jig since it looked the most like a fly lure. I had a few bites including a HUGE rainbow that i got to the shallows but then he did a barrel roll and tossed my lure along with every other trout i hooked. As a matter of fact these guys were worse than bass! Luckily i eventually caught a 16in 1 1/2lb rainbow as my first trout and invited him home for dinner. My question is what lures have you guys caught trout on? (Not including flies)
  17. What is everybody's favorite small swimbait (if you throw them) for spotted bass on light line?
  18. I have been struggling to catch fish at Lanier. I need some good lures, tactics, and tip.
  19. I know I'm going to get a lot of different answers. Hopefully I might find something new to try. What is the best all around bass lure?
  20. Hey Guys, I am currently planning to fish the St Lawrence this weekend targeting smallmouth and largemouth bass. Having never tackled this body of water before, would you guys recommend any lures or strategies? Ive been doing some research but wanted to see what you guys think! Thanks guys!
  21. I came across these crankbaits a while back. They look interesting, but a bit gimmicky. https://www.piranafishinglures.com/ There price seems a bit high. I could get a a couple nice cranks of good quality for the price of one of these. What do you guys think of them? Has anyone tried them? How well do they work?
  22. What kind of lures would be good for mucky bottoms in ponds
  23. Hello, I was wondering how everyone organizes their non-opened lures or new lures still in the package? Without getting them misshaped or rusted? Thanks Martin Lures I need to find a way to organize...
  24. Hey Guys, I read a very interesting article on a technique called Junk Fishing in Bass Angler Magazine. It's where you hit your prime spots, start with some search baits like a square bill and a chatterbait then dial in the big ones with a jig. The idea is to move fast and the article is spot on to how I fish. So, Who junk fishes? And What are your 3 picks? Mine: 1.) Strike King Squarebill 1.5 Sexy Chart or Craw (Water Clarity) 2.) Zman Jackhammer White Chart or Black/ Blue 3.) Some Strike king jigs or Seibert's Jigs
  25. Hey all. Any help on these park ponds? Im new to the area. Tried El Dorado in Long Beach amd was skunked. Any bass fishing advice would be great.
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