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  1. Coming from a trout background using flies and inline spinners I've never had use for terminal loop knots. Now that I'm learning to fish for bass and crappie I do. (Admittedly there is a loop not used for dry flies but I never learned it or used it.) Are there more than one of these loop knots? Are any of them more reliable than others? I look forward to your replies and learning how to tie a loop knot.
  2. I have been fishing for about 2 years and I'm mostly self taught. I have bought about 5 Rapala lures (xrap, xrap shad shallow, jointed, skitter pop, and shallow shad rap). I also have the ultra light minnow and jointed shallow shad rap on the way. I am trying to figure out the best way to tie the lures to my line without affecting the action of the lure. I noticed the X-raps, SR, DT, and ULM, and JSSR comes with split rings on the lures, but when I've tied my line to those split rings, the knots failed and I lost several lures. I think it has to do with the knot grinding on he split ring weakening the knot. I read online that some recommended the rapala loop knot which I've been trying. Does that mean use the rapala knot without the split ring? However, I'd like to have a setup where I can change all my lures out quickly as I experiment. The rapala loop knot takes me several times to get a good knot, so this can be frustrating when I want to change lures fast. The setup I most recently tried was starting with a rapala knot on my line attached to the split ring and then I just change out the lures using that same split ring. However, I think the Jointed and Shallow Shad Rap are not meant for split rings, correct? Is a rapala knot PLUS a split ring redundant? Can that create "too much action" with the lure? What's the best method for changing out the lures easily without hurting the action? Would you recommend fishing clips? What's the best way to tie line to a split ring? Should I just use rapala knots on all lures? Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks!
  3. Hey everyone- I do a good amount of frog fishing and have always tied a palomar knot in either the 40lb or 50lb braid that I'm using. Seems to have worked well in the sense that it's held up to many vicious strikes and lots of strain while hauling in bass covered in weeds. I always fish frogs in very dense cover, so the walking motion people often impart on the lure doesn't seem very important for me to produce strikes, what does seem important is producing a good deal of surface disturbance by making quick rips of the hollow bodied frog along the surface. That being said however, I'd like to try and improve my success rate in more sparsely vegetated areas, and I feel as if a good way to do this is by walking the frog along the surface. Problem is I've never had good success in getting my frogs to walk well at all (I use the Livetarget frogs). Would tying a knot similar to the rapala loop knot that I occasionally use on a topwater plug help the frog to walk better? I only have experience using loop knots in monofilament, and am worried that the knot may tie poorly in braid, especially compared to the palomar which has been rock solid. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Does anyone use loop knots when fishing hollow bodied frogs?
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