The first spinning reels I used didn't have a line clip on the spool. We would spool our reels with new line, and tie the line to a rubber band, and wrap the rubber band around the spool to hold the line neatly on the spool until we were ready to use the reels. Line clips on the spools have been around for years now, and it's a good idea- in theory, not always in practice. Most of the line clips snap in very tightly, and with some, it can be hard to hook the line under the clip to store the new line on the spool. I don't think this applies to any brand in particular. Slightly prying these clips outward can help, but you need to be careful. These plastic clips can break easily, or go flying across the room. This is a small issue, and I'm hoping I'm not the only one who's had trouble with the line clips. Does anyone know of an easier way to make the clips work? If not, I may go back to the old rubber band method, as it was foolproof, and just took a little longer. Any thoughts or ideas here?