I was recently watching a video that brought back some wild childhood memories, so I thought I would share and compare. This could be stories of my experiences and no one else’s or it could be a very common stories of adolescence and immaturity. Here are several of the stories I am referring to.
While fishing as a kid fish was on some occasion very slow. I mean not even a bite for hours so being a kid with a short attention span I start exploring the shore line looking for everything and anything at the same time. I notice a snake swimming across the top of the water (6-7 foot black snake) across the entire lake coming my way. I grab a popper and popped it a couple of time right in front of it.......just to see what would happen (eyes rolling). BAM, splash, roll and oh crap it ate it. Then reality sets in and I am like awww &^%$ what am I going to do now. About a hours later and with the help of a couple fellers snake is unhooked and I will leave it at that. Lesson learned! Don't mess with the snakes!
On another fishing trip a couple years later while on a boat on a different body of water I am working a torpedo bait and have a turtle following my bait. The turtle is curious, I am curious, my buddy was curious. I keep the bait just out of reach and a then all of a sudden a flying groundhog flew by and my bait stopped for a second. Blamcracklez "CRAP turtle on"! It was a pig too. We landed it and for like 2 hours we are fighting to get the treble hook out without getting bit. What a nightmare, took us till dark and ended our fishing trip! It didn't help that it was also 100 degrees out. Once again lesson learned "Don't mess with the turtles".
Recently while in a tournament I was fishing a grass bank where a giant Blue Herring stood. I casted a weedless frog in the grass past the bird when all of a sudden the bird jumped up and flew by dive bombing my frog. I pulled my bait away very quickly. Needless to say from past experiences there was no way in the world I was going to bring that behemoth in the boat. See I did learn a lesson!!
Lesson learned.. Any similar stories anyone?