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  1. I’d like to bring up an ever important topic, which is more relevant now than ever. Why is it necessary to put these fish through tremendous stress during a tournament? From fighting for its life after being caught, if caught deep; maybe getting fizzed if it’s “lucky”, thrown in a live well, often taken in an out of the well throughout the tournament, weighed, weighed again, transferred to a suffocating bag, taken out of the bag to get a photo opp, then thrown back in miles away from its bed or territory…most of which don’t survive. I love to fish and maybe I’m sounding naive but I’d love if someone could explain how tournaments work & what individual tourny anglers do to make sure their fish survive. Electronics have taken over too & it’s added even more pressure but I’d like to leave electronics for another forum because that’s it’s own issue now, unfortunately. Everything I read tells me tournaments absolutely destroy fish populations. What do y’all know? Thanks
  2. The water is warming up here in NC. Today was my only chance to fish (because of class and a Spring Break trip I gotta prep for), and when I got to the pond the wind was whipping at about 25 mph. Casting was difficult, but I decided to use a red booyah spinnerbait (clouds, wind, pre-spawn...maybe I was on to something?). After several minutes with no bites, I switched to a weightless Texas-rigged bandito bug, Alabama craw color. After snagging and breaking it off immediately, I tied on another one. Unfortunately, I didn't catch anything (I think the wind was a bit too strong and probably pushed them too deep for me to reach from the bank). It's supposed to rain all next week, so it may be a while until I get out again. Anyway, good luck to all y'all out there!
  3. Hello All, This is my first year of snowbirding in Florida and I've landed in an anglers heaven. It's a huge Lake system in Naples Florida call The Quarry. But as a seasoned saltwater angler from NY I'm just beginning to learn the ropes. I have found some great fishing here including 6 over 5 pounds in two weeks and an 8 1/2 Pounder. All on rubber. Any suggestions on what type of crank baits I could be throwing? I have yet to catch a fish on anything but a rubber offering. Anyhow here's my biggest o date:
  4. I'm going to be stopping in Hood River Oregon on my way to Astoria for 2 days of bass fishing the Columbia River. I will be pulling into Hood River on May 26th, 2014 to May 28th 2014. I was wondering if anyone would like to share some info on the bassin of this strech of river. All my fishing is catch and release. Also if there are any clubs or groups having any tournaments between the 26th of May to 8th of June I would like to fish in one of them. Thank you for your time....
  5. Ok so at my little pond in the winter months I kept seeing schools of 15+ largemouth bass all the same size swimming around the lake. (I live in florida so the water doesn't freeze) I tried to get one to bite my hook but they all just ignored it and swam on. Now when I go fishing I sometimes see bass in groups of 3 or 4 around the bank. Sometimes I get them to take my lure but I'm still confused why they are gathered up like this. Is it because it's spawning season? I thought they spawned further out anyways...
  6. Hey everybody! I’m for Mississippi heading to Norfolk for work for a few months and was wondering where a couple places are to bank fish a couple times a week. I brought all my stuff just never been here before and was wondering mainly where I can and can’t go.
  7. Hi everyone, I recently moved to VA Beach and was looking to try and maybe get lucky with some late Fall action. I live in Linkhorn Bay Apartments, and I know they have a lake and a smaller pond, but do either of them hold any worthwhile fish? Also, if you have any suggestions for good spots for bass in general it'd be greatly appreciated. I have a kayak so I'm not limited to the bank. Again, any and all informative input is welcome! Thanks!
  8. On Tuesday (6/25/19), I was fishing out on Cornell Lake. It was a somewhat sunny day, but very windy. The wacky rig was the only thing that got the fish biting. I'm still learning how to work the rig, but it gave me great results. Altogether, I only caught three bass that day for three hours on the water. What's a good lure, rig, bait is best to throw on a windy day? The water at Cornell Lake is clear and full of vegetation.
  9. What's up guys! I am planning a trip up north with 3 buddies to do some smallmouth and largemouth bass fishing. We wanted to rent a lake house and dock our boat on the lake so we can easily fish each day. We are not familiar with the area and was wondering if anyone knew of any great lakes to rent a house and fish on for bass in the spring? Any and all help is appreciated! There are so many d**n lakes to choose from! We currently have Big St. Germain lake booked but research suggests that it will be difficult to fish without a guide and its mostly a muskie and northern lake.
  10. I fish the west Boca Raton canals in south Florida and I noticed a bunch of carp and some otters in one of the canals. Will this affect the fishing in this canal? I know there’s largemouth in the canal as well as alligator gar. Any light on this situation would be a big help.
  11. I’ve got two rock quarry’s the biggest one is about 60 feet down all the way around the smaller one if I had to guess is about 40 feet deep at most. Anyways i have trouble catching bass in both in the small one if I use a new lure I will catch a decent amount for the first couple of days but after that it’s the like bass remember that it’s a lure even If I stop using it for a year they won’t touch it again with the exception of jigs but I still catch very few on them. The bass in the small one are mostly 1 pounders with a few long but skinny 3-4 pounders. In the big quarry there’s a lot more bass and bluegills and the bass are a lot more heathly with big belly’s. I have better luck in the big one but I still catch 3 a day at most and I can switch up my baits and fish all day it doesn’t matter in both quarry’s the bass seem to love brush hogs when it’s freezing outside im talking in the twenties. Anyways the big rock quarry's bottom is covered in dead trees, mining stuff, pipes from when they tried pumping the water out, cars, car stuff, ovens, couches. I mean it's not like trashed but there's a cop car down there an oven and a couch and a ton of trees. The water isn't that clear in either. Kinda greenish brown. Sorry for the spelling errors if you have any advice please give it.
  12. I'm going to be in Astoria Oregon from May 28th, 2014 to June 4th 2014 and I plan on looking for some smallmouth bass on the Columbia River. I have been looking at a map of the Columbia River from Tongue Point (Cathlamet Bay up river to the Wallace Slough) also including a strech of river on the Washington side near Cathlamet. If anyone has any experance catching some bronze backs on this section of River would be great. All my fishing is catch and release. If you know of any close by areas outside of were I have stated I'm going to be fishing I would love to hear about them. Thank You for your Time......
  13. Hi there, I'm looking to get some expert advice on crankbait rods and reels for largemouth bass. I've been fishing for a while, but inconsistently- from a time commitment perspective and species. I'm going to buy a new rod and reel specifically for crankbaits and have been doing a fair amount of research (maybe too much) to inform my decision on rod selection. Most of the forum questions, debates, etc seem to focus on brands (Dobyns, St. Croix, G Loomis and many more) and less on specific qualities/specifications of rods. From what I can tell and for my purposes (I fish on lakes where the max depth is 20' in some places; don't fish rivers; lures are mostly under 1 oz; and I'd like some versatility to be able to throw the occasional spinnerbait, lipless crank or popper lures), the ideal crankbait (spinning) rod appears to be a 7' medium power and fast action and either graphite or glass. A reel's gear ratio seems to range from 5:1 to 6.3:1, but since I mostly fish in shallow waters that are under 12' deep I should probably go with the 6.3:1 gear ratio. Does that sound about right to folks? Any additional insights/considerations are greatly appreciated too. For what it's worth, I'd like to spend under $250, which is a decent chunk of change, but I'd rather buy 1 great rod (for now) and not waste time and money. This leads me to my next, but less pressing question- if a rod meets all the necessarily qualifications/specs for it's intended technique, why spend a ton of money on a brand? Thank you very much, el Largo
  14. I'm headed to East Fork Sunday morning. I've only fished it from a boat one time 2 weeks ago and did okay on Shakey heads and jigs. I don't know a lot about the lake or fishing from a boat and was hoping I could get some tips on patterns and where to fish right now. Thanks in advance
  15. My dad and I went out with just a couple jigs and that's it! It's not often I can say I bested him, but I did. Maybe it's a sign of things to come. I caught this 5+ .. and one other 4+.
  16. Hey guys/gals! My dad and I made it out for the first time this year here in Iowa and we didn't leave disappointed. Just jigging for a couple hours and I'd say it was a success.... This one was about 5 lb and caught one other just over 4 lb! Thanks!!
  17. Hey fellow micropterus salmoides anglers! Hopefully everyone had a decent New Years. I live in Fort Smith, Arkansas which happens to have the Arkansas river flowing adjacent to the city. What i just found out recently from viewing Google maps satellite view is that the Arkansas river system has an extremely complex network of backwaters, sloughs, huge ponds/small lakes, and oxbows. Ive been going to one particular backwater area near my house for a few years now and it has really made me appreciate these type of fisheries. One example of why I like the spot is in 2017 i spent atleast 100 hours on my kayak and on shore at the backwater area down the road from me. Ive maybe seen a dozen people. Second, the fishing is awesome. It can be challenging to find them but they are always quality fish. This year i really want to venture out further and explore some new locations so i have been searching on google maps. Some of the spots that have really caught my eye are two medium sized Oxbow lakes in my area. The oxbows ive been looking at are cut off from the river. The bigger of the two, Hollis Lake, is completely separated from the open channel by a dike so it never gets flushed (I am prepared to find it silted over, but i am being optimistic at the same time). The other, Cherokee Chute, recieves water from the river during flood season when the water is high enough. There are many, many more unnamed oxbows as, well. Some completely separated, some recieve water in flood season, and some are connected to the open channel. When the weather gets more comfortable, i plan on waging an all out war with these river bass starting with these oxbows. I plan on getting a fishfinder/SSS for my kayak so i can fish (and map) these 'new' spots as efficiently as i can. If i can help it, i will be going to several dozen new spots on the river system in 2018. Im just curious if any of yall have spent much time fishin oxbows and if so what type of attack plan would u recommend? -GT The pics ive included are of Hollis Lake, Cherokee Chute, and an unnamed oxbow. Btw there are approx 20 platforms/docks on Hollis lake that i have seen on satellite view. Im extremely curious as to what these are...
  18. I am looking for some advice on fishing lake Okeechobee. I will be renting a small skiff from the Jolly Rodger Marina in Clewiston. How should I go about fishing the Big O? Should I stay near the edges of the lake or venture into open water? I live in Miami so it is only about a 1 1/2 hour drive for me. I went to the L-67 in the Everglades yesterday on a boat and all we caught were some Oscars, is this a bad time of year to be fishing for Largemouth in SoFlo?
  19. Writing to get other peoples past experiences on the matter, LMB fishing in Japan. I am active duty USMC in the Iwakuni area and having difficulty finding reachable by walking biking or taxi nearby fishing spots. I have had limited success at the mouth of the Imazu and Monzen river and at this time of year (November-January) I haven't even had a hit. What do you suggest I throw? The water is cold flowing down from the mountains, moving fast but on average 1/2 oz can hold bottom, clear enough to see to the bottom at the deepest part roughly 7 feet, and almost no structure with the exception of an abandoned water inlet for a long gone paper factory. I am interested to try new techniques so do not hesitate to throw an idea out there.
  20. Dorado


    From the album: Dorado

    Nailed a baby-1 minus. Postspawn bass that was feeding on crappies in a 2 acre pond. A pair of joggers took my pics. That day made up for all of my skunked days haha.
  21. Hello everybody im from central illinois. Ive been fishing for 12 years now. I fish alot of local lakes and would like to find some amatuer tournaments for any species.
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