My club is holding the state qualifier this weekend on lake springfeild. June 29th, im looking to win this thing. any information on spots, or what to use would be greatly appreciated. I already have a good idea of where I want to start. last kid that won it fished the dam with a carolina rig sametime of year. although conditions might be different. i am going to focus my efforts on the north part of the main lake since the depth averages out at 25ft. On the north side of the bridge there is a sharp point that deserves some attention and on the south a sea wall. In the morning ill probably work the shallows with a topwater, a walking bait of some sort. as the sun comes up i was going to slow down with a jig or a plain texas rigged chigger on a 3/8 ounce tungsten. i know i can pick up fish on the docks, sea walls, and brush piles. but im looking for the qaulity fish after i pick up a quick limit. should i head to the dam? im very confused, i have alot of ideas but im not sure what i should do. this is all the information ive gathered. please help!