New to the site so please bare with me . I live on lake mattie in aubrundale florida and i fish the lake quite a bit.
at one time the lake was almost 1100 acres of water but being the drouts and stuff its alot lower then it use to be.
I am asking for adivce on this lake if anyone has fished it with great success or could just give general advice. This lake is almost
completely surrounded by cattails . probably 80 percent of the edge is cattails. no lilypads no hydrilla hardly any grass and some
hisens in areas. the lake is sand bottom and i have yet to find any great drop offs or reasonable structure. there is 3 grave yards
of stumps that are unforgiving 1 nice size stump side just outside the cattails on the southeast side of the lake and 2 seperate stump patches on the west side of the lake . but the stumps are all in the range of a foot to 4 ft of water if the lake has had rain . The water is dark you lose site of your bait no matter the color anywhere from 8 inches to a foot under the surface.
i have caught good fish in this lake alot on top water and wormin and catch fish anytime i go but theres the days where you just cant figure them out. I know thats a problem anywhere you go you will have these days but being that its my home lake that i live on i want to try to figure these fish out better and am asking for advice or pointers tips etc... deepest spot i have found in the lake is around 10 ft and it very gradually slopes off to the 10 ft mark from the bank. I have never done good around the stumps and when i say unforgiven on them i mean if you throw 10 casts your hung 9 of them . haha.. I hope im not wasting anyones time i know its hard to point a direction like this but if you have any questions i would love to answer them to give a better idea.
thank you guys for reading and i hope you can help me out. thanks again and good luck fishing!