Hello All,
My name is Zach, and fishing is my greatest passion! I'm new to this site, and new to bass fishing as well, but that doesn't mean I'm new to fishing. I grew up fishing for trout in the cold waters of the SW Montana and NE Idaho border area and loved it. Mostly spin fishing, but I learned to fly fish towards the end of my high school career; this is what really sucked me into the world of fishing. I learned to tie flies, started studying the behavioral patterns of trout in every season and basically fully gave myself over to an obsession with fishing. Fast forward 4 years and I live in urban-central Wichita, Kansas. Hardly any trout, and I wouldn't eat the ones there are. HOWEVER - I'm quickly learning that Kansas is a haven for bass fishing, and an obsession with the sport is developing even more quickly. I caught my first 5 bass in the Island Pond at the Great Plains Nature Center on a Rat-L-Trap, with the biggest being about 18 and quarter inches. Before catching anything, I spent months trying at Chisholm North Lake without even a bite (at least any that were discernable to me, the noob). Now that I've actually caught a bass, my determination to master the sport has grown exponentially. I've been going back to Chisholm ever since; I know they're in there, and d**n it if I ain't gonna catch 'em one way or another. The reason I joined this forum is because of how helpful it's been in my journey to figure this darn fish out. Hopefully someday I'll be in a position to share some wisdom on here for new bass fisherman like so many before have done for me. In the meantime, I'll keep fishing and perusing the forum for that next bit of knowledge to help improve my skills more and more. It's nice to meet you all, and I hope one of you has an interesting fishing story for me!
Keep on keepin' on, and may the fish be with you....