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  1. I thought I’d add a review of the (relatively) new Brooklyn Kayak Co. Foldable Kayak since I didn’t see much information about it on here. For starters, this is my first fishing kayak, so read this review through the lens of a kayak fishing novice. As background, I had struggled with the idea of buying a fishing kayak due to space and transportation constraints. I have a small 100+ year-old 2-car garage at home and no garage up at our cabin and thus didn’t really have anywhere to put a traditional 11+ foot kayak. Moreover, we have a sedan and a compact SUV without a trailer hitch, so getting a kayak from point A to point B would be an issue. So when I stumbled upon this folding kayak, many of the barriers to purchase were gone. Purchasing was easy (online) with a cost of around $1,200. Shipping took about 2 weeks for “white glove” delivery. Unboxing was no problem, but there was no paperwork or instructions about assembly. Instead, I guess they rely on you watching their introductory Youtube video on the subject? Normally, I wouldn’t have cared about this except there were multiple quality assurance issues. I received two right-footed pedals (rather than one right and one left) and the screw used to secure the rudder handle was missing, causing multiple trips to the hardware store before finding a matching screw (hint: its a metric system screw). In fairness, BKC was quick to respond to my email about their QA issues and they will be sending me a new left-footed pedal and rudder handle screw. From here on out, I’ll just give my likes and dislikes after one week of use: Pros - Price: on the lower end of the fishing kayak price spectrum - Portability: folded in half, it easily fits in the back of our mid 2010s Nissan Rogue (with seats down) with enough room for all my other fishing accessories as well. It is also light enough (~60 lbs) for me to carry and easily lift into the SUV. - Despite only being 8 feet long, I don’t feel cramped while fishing in it - Has four build-in rod holders and two dry compartments - The chair is actually quite comfortable (and this is coming from someone with chronic low back problems) The flipper-style pedal system works as designed Cons - Rudder system: this may be a product of having to find a screw at the hardware store to secure the rudder handle, but the rudder system can be quite finicky. Sometimes mine lists to the left when the rudder handle is pointed straight. Sometimes turning the rudder handle results in the rudder not actually turning, forcing me to turn the handle multiple times before the rudder actually catches - Quality assurance: as mentioned above, but there were some QA issues (screw missing, wrong-footed pedal) While it feels plenty stable while sitting down, it feels tippy when standing up - No option for pedaling backward: as I said before, the flipper-style pedal system works well for what it’s designed to do (going forward) but there is no option to pedal backward and at this time there is not option to purchase a pedal drive that fits the BKC foldable kayak (though BKC just told me there is plans for one in the next year) I have purchased or plan to purchase a few items to pair with this kayak - YakAttack Leverage Net and YakAttack RotoGrip Paddle Holder: there isn’t a lot of space to lay a net on the floor of the kayak, so I’ll be mounting it - Storage system with rod holders: I’ll likely buy the 13 x 16 YakAttack BlackPak. This will solve storage issues while also make it so I don’t have to use either of the front to build-in rod holders on the kayak (which seem to get in the way when casting) - SwitchBlade, CellBlok, and 20ah Battery Combo Kit: ultraportable solution for mounting a fish finder and a small battery to go with it 0 Fish finder: 7” from one of the major brands with side imaging. I welcome any and all suggestions! Overall, I’m very happy with my first kayak purchase. For those like me who value portability and easy storage, this kayak should be taken into serious consideration. I think this kayak works very well for smaller lakes or rivers with little current. It will likely struggle on bigger bodies of water (some stability issues) or rivers with strong current (sluggish rudder and no ability to pedal backward with current pedal system)
  2. Hey all, I’m in the market for a smaller fishing kayak. Right now I have a kayak that’s around 100lbs and definitely takes me and a buddy to lug it around. I don’t stand much when I’m out on the water so I don’t need to be able to stand much. However, I would like it to be stable so if I sway side to side on it or lean to one side in the water trying to grab a fish, it won’t roll and will be sturdy. Anything under 12ft is what I’m targeting, light and fast in open water. Also will be using a 3.5lb anchor if that makes any difference. One I have been looking at is the Brooklyn kayak fk285. It is only 9 feet 2 inches which for some reason scares me. But I’m intrigued by the hatch right in front of the seat and the 3 rod holders with one being adjustable right in front of you. Don’t need any hook ups for fish finder or anything either. Just some rod holders and storage are fine with me Any suggestions?
  3. Hi everyone! I am long time reader, but newly registered. Does anyone have recommendations on a stable kayak for standing up and fishing? I have been looking at the Ascend H10. Being able to stand up is huge IMO. Thanks for any input
  4. Hey all. I’ve been fishing for some time now with my Jon boat and a trailer. I’m getting sick of having to have a designated spot just to fish because of the bigger boat and the trailer process. I want to invest in a good fishing kayak. I’ve fished on a kayak before and I really like how easy it was to move around. So my question is what’s the best all around fishing kayak under $1,000? If possible to get some loaded ones like ones with included rod holders or track systems. I’m not too knowledgeable about how to add accessories and such. What kayak would you recommend? Also I heard many pros about adding a trolling motor to your kayak and many cons to it as well. What are y’all suggestions? Hoping to get more of lighter weight one! Thanks for taking the time to answer!
  5. What's up, I have been thinking about buying a kayak ($1,000-$2,000). I am curious If there are any websites/stores to purchase old or used kayaks. I know some stores carry previous year model kayaks and sell them for a bargain, but I am having a hard time finding them. Is there a website? I know Facebook market place has them, but I really could use y'alls help. Appreciate it, AJK
  6. Evidently Old Town is renaming their existing fishing kayaks (the Predator PDL becomes the Sportsman BigWater 132 PDL), but adding some new boats as well. If you're the type that wants a Minn Kota foot brace controlled TM with spot lock, they've got the Sportsman AutoPilot 120 for only $3,800 (batteries not included - sounds like a Mattel commercial). I haven't seen these get any press anywhere else, so I was surprise when I got an email from OT trying to get me to buy one (it seems like I just bought the last one a couple of months ago). https://oldtowncanoe.johnsonoutdoors.com/sportsman
  7. Im a soon to be owner of what i consider to be a quality angling kayak. Im putting quite a bit of money into the inital buy in hopes of having it for years down the road. Ive heard of people coating the hull of the kayak with a protective surface from dings and scratches. I was wondering how a spray on bed liner material like Rhino or Line-X would work on the bottom of a kayak. Any Suggegstions?
  8. Hey y'all, I just went to a local purveyor of kayaks with my heart set on a Native Slayer 12 Pro. It's marked down to $1100 from around $1370. Pretty sweet kayak. Seating and other features seem great. Materials are fine. Not really any dry storage - bow storage isn't exactly water-tight (not a deal breaker). Asked, on a whim, to see a Bonafide RS117 because it had comparable features at first glance... Actually, materials are better. Metal in place of plastic and the design seems a bit more stable. I primarily fish medium-sized lakes and prairie potholes and smaller rivers and streams (The Milwaukee River is the largest I fish). I want to be able to stand and fish for prolonged periods of time and still be able to handle some moderate river fishing. The Bonafide is $100 cheaper and seems like more boat, honestly. I'll be test-paddling both in two weeks. But before I do, I thought I'd ask y'all. What do you think? ~Juice
  9. Hey BR, looking for a depth finder for my kayak (12 ft Manta Ray) and was curious what opinions you guys had for something relatively user friendly but effective. I've read good reports about the Garmin Chirp but wanted to know what you guys think. Thanks!
  10. https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/pelican-mustang-100x-kayak-18pelumstng100xkypsk/18pelumstng100xkypsk? I am looking to get a cheap ($350 or less) dollar fishing kayak to leave at a friend's house who lives a couple hundred yards away from a lake in town. I need something that would be easy to carry and big enough for an average height guy. Does anyone have experience with the Pelican Mustang (link above)?
  11. I bought a leftover 2016 Ascend FS12T for $499.00. Heard some issues with older models concerning leaks from miss-aligned scupper holes. Has this been corrected for the 2016 model? Is it still an issue? Will be taking it on its maiden voyage this weekend, want to know if I need to be concerned with leaks. Thanks!
  12. Doing research for a new angler kayak for lakes and streams, I found the amount to choose from quite confusing. So I compiled a list of manufacturers so I could more easily narrow down which one I want. Here's all that I found. I've also been comparing roof rack systems which I included at the bottom. Notes: In general, smaller kayaks are easier to maneuver, slower, and better for smaller bodies of water and rivers. Longer kayaks are more difficult to maneuver, more stable, faster, and better for larger bodies of water. Also consider weight and transportation. Heavier kayaks can be difficult to load/unload on top of vehicles. Kayak manufacturers and models built for fishing Diablo Paddle Sports http://www.diablopaddlesports.com/ Amigo Adios Chupacabra Eddyline http://eddyline.com/ Caribbean C-135 Elie http://www.eliesport.com/ Coast Emotion http://www.emotionkayaks.com/ Glide Sport Angler Guster Angler Renegade XT Stealth Feel Free http://feelfreeus.com/ Move Angler Lure Moken Hobie Fishing http://www.hobiefishing.com/ Mirage Pro Angler (pedal system) Jackson Kayaks http://jacksonkayak.com/ Big Rig Big Tuna Coosa Coosa HD Cruise Cude Series Cuda HD Kilroy Kilroy DT Kraken Mayfly Skipper Liquid Logic https://www.liquidlogickayaks.com/ Manta Ray Native http://nativewatercraft.com/product/slayer-propel-13/ Propel (pedal system) Slayer Ultimate Manta Ray Versa Board (standup paddle board) Nu Canoe http://www.nucanoe.com/ Pursuit Frontier Ocean http://www.oceankayak.com/ Tetra Trident Malibu Caper Prowler Old Town http://www.oldtowncanoe.com/ Predator - http://www.predatorkayak.com/ MK (Minn Kota motor) PDL (pedal system) XL (removable utility console) 13 MX New Loon Vapor Twin Heron Pelican http://pelicansport.com/ Sentry The Catch Premium Strike Viking http://www.vikingkayaksusa.com/ Profish Wilderness Systems http://www.wildernesssystems.com/us/ ATAK Radar Tarpon Thresher Kayak Rack Systems for vehicles E-Trailer http://www.etrailer.com/ Elm Bay https://www.elmbay.com/cargo-carriers/ Inno http://www.innoracks.com/ Malone Auto http://www.maloneautoracks.com/kayak-carriers.php Rhino Rack http://www.rhinorack.com/products/water Thule https://www.thule.com/en-us/us/sport-rack/kayak-roof-racks Yakima https://www.yakima.com/activity/load-assist
  13. Whats up everyone? Thanks for visiting my thread! I'm basically here to learn more from the veterans of bass fishing! thanks for visiting my thread and i look forward to conversing with everyone and learning/sharing information with all! Nick
  14. So im debating wether to get the sit on top kayak or sit in kayak. I like to stay dry but i like to fish standing up to. Im debating between these 2 kayaks. http://t.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3986135 http://t.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11279269
  15. Just started fishing out of a sit on top kayak. It's not made for fishing, but I've repurposed it. I'm finding that getting to tackle and using multiple rods is difficult. Also fighting a paddle while trying to fish is a hassle. Any tips or accessories you guys know of that would help?
  16. Hi, I am looking for a small pond boat that I can use in small lakes and ponds. I want a boat that can handle a small trolling motor, does not need a trailer, and is easy to transport. I have looked at mini bass boats, porta-botes, flatstalker boats, good dog boats, twin troller boats, inflatble boats and jon boats. The main problem that I have though is that I only have $400-$500 to spend. Most of the boats are more, with the port-botes, flatstalkers, good dog boats, and twin troller boats costing upwards of $1000. I have been interested in the Intex Mariner 4. Does anyone have this, and if so, what could you tell me about it? Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I really want to find an inexpensive small boat to use to fish. If there are any local dealers you know of that offer inexpensive pond boats near me, on Long Island, you can mention those as well. Thanks for the help, Ed
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