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  1. I'm looking to upgrade my kayak this year and I'd like something I can stand on, currently I have a pelican sit on top with a chair in it. It sits very low and isn't exactly comfortable for long trips, upgradeable to pedals is a plus, light weight and car toppable is a plus, not breaking the bank is the biggest plus, I realize that to get comfort and stand-ability I'm gonna have to drop around a thousand bottom end. Open to all brands
  2. I recently bought a fishing kayak and have a trip planned in a few days on a clear water fishery. 10ft+ visibility. Weather is looking like clear skies and low wind. I've only ever been a pond bank fisherman so I have way more confidence in dirty water than I do clear. Big jigs, big spinnerbaits, big creatures baits are my usual, connected to 15-20lb mono leaders. What should I try using in clear water? I have some underspins, small t-rigged craw and worms, smaller spinnerbaits, would those work?
  3. What's up, I have been thinking about buying a kayak ($1,000-$2,000). I am curious If there are any websites/stores to purchase old or used kayaks. I know some stores carry previous year model kayaks and sell them for a bargain, but I am having a hard time finding them. Is there a website? I know Facebook market place has them, but I really could use y'alls help. Appreciate it, AJK
  4. Hey guys, I've fished on and off since I was young but have recently gotten into it more with quarantine. I started from the shore and then actually got a kayak that was on sale and have been making modifications to it to make it more fit for fishing. I've caught a perch and a pickerel from the shore and caught a pretty decent (maybe a little over 1lb) largemouth my first day out in my kayak. It was a really crappy cold day with some rain but I wanted to get out there. I was trying a few different set ups and ultimately caught the bass with a drop shot rigged worm. It was right around the base of a dead tree stump. This was two weeks ago. I've gone out probably 10 times since then, around half from shore and half from the kayak and have gotten zero bites. I've tried texas rigs, carolina rigs, drop shots, crank baits, chatter baits and nothing seems to work. I live in central mass and have tried the same pond I caught the bass in the same, similar, and different areas as well as different water bodies. I know fishing can be on and off but after two weeks I'm starting to get really frustrated. Any tips?
  5. About to pull the trigger on my first Kayak. I have it narrowed down to a few, but it seems to me that between every model and brand there is a give and take factor. What are the "must haves" that you have developed after being on the water for a while. As a bank angler all I have ever done is stand and fish, so naturally I am looking at ones with bigger decks and more stability for standing, but my friend seems to think I will regret that in the long run and want a better seat. So what are your lists of priorities when choosing your kayak, what made your ultimate decision or lead you to change with your second yak. Did it come down to price/value, Paddle/Peddle, Seat, Deck Space, Versatility and storage, style/color, etc. Looking for insight more than I am into a brand discussion although I am sure that will come up at some point.
  6. I'm going to get my first Kayak this summer, after doing some fishing in a friends and getting hooked! So I've been doing a lot of research about the best kayak to fit my needs and I've narrowed it down to 5... Now I do not care about speed,tracking Etc.. I only want extreme stand up stability. Cast, set the hook and land the fish without sitting down, and do so without being terrified of flipping. I'll be fishing small lakes 98% of the time, with a few large ponds thrown in occasionally. My narrowed down choices are... Jackson Big Rig Wilderness Systems ATAK 140 Diablo Amigo Old Town Predator 13 FeelFree Lure 11.5 Please share any personal experience you've had with any of these or any suggestions for other kayaks that may be better.. Thanks!!
  7. I am currently saving up for a fishing kayak. Any tips on gear or yaks? I’m looking to stay under $850 for the yak, paddle, accessories, and pfd. Anyone have a favorite yak. I’m thinking about buying a Ascend 12T (I’m 6’5 so I need leg room) as it is cheap and I can customize it. I fish rivers, ponds, and small lakes.
  8. I’m looking to meet my brother at a midpoint between North Texas and Central PA for some river kayak fishing and camping in the Spring of 2019. He’s great at fishing and I don’t want to disappoint him. What are your recommendation for a river and location? I’m thinking Tennessee? I’m the novice and in my 70’s, he’s the younger brother at 62... Thanks for your help... PW
  9. Hey all, I'm Rob and I live southwest of Richmond, Virginia. We recently bought property on a 1,700 acre lowland reservoir so I've been reading a lot here for a couple of months and found a lot of great info about fishing during the spawn. Looking forward to reading more and finally being able to participate.
  10. I am near Arnold, MO - wondering where (what rivers) everyone hits for smallies. im fairly new to kayak fishing so looking for fishing buddy wanting to fish big river, and any others that hold em.
  11. Hey guys does anybody on where yak fish Wheeler or Wilson? If so where?
  12. alright folks, I live near Herculaneum and always put in the Joachim creek right there. however, after paddling miles up the creek I've caught a grand total of 1 bass. over the course of about 5 trips literally throwing everything I have. Other than Walther Park in desoto, MO are there any other accesses to the creek open to the public? parks, ramps? anything? i I am in a kayak so i dont need an actual boat ramp, just a place to put in. let me know... please.
  13. Wondering if anybody knows anything about Acton Lake at Hueston Woods State Park in Ohio. My friends and I are from Indy and are planning a camping trip for spring break to do some fishing and other outdoor activities. The cabins and lodge here seemed very nice, and we thought it might be a little better than Raccoon SRA in Indy. If anyone has any information on fishing this lake, how the fishing was, and how the state park was i would appreciate it. Other suggestions for a week camping trip within a 2 and a half hour drive of Central Indy would be great too.
  14. From the album: The Water is My Stadium

    First smallmouth I have ever caught. October 2015

    © Brocephus Fishing

  15. I have been fishing out of a kayak on and off since about April. I have just been using a traditional PFD like you'd use while water skiing. It works okay in the kayak, but I am looking for one with a high back so that I can sit more comfortably in the kayak. I would like to find one that is both comfortable and functional. I'm looking for recommended PFDs in the $100 range.
  16. Hows it going! Looking for people to fish with in the area, I live in Newport News but travel up to Williamsburg to fish often. Just started Kayak fishing in June and cant get enough. I fish every Monday and Tuesday morning and start fishing around 6am till about Noon. Looking for any information anyone can give me on lakes in the area too. Still pretty new to the area here's a list of places I fish: Diascund Res. (Caught my personal best here two weeks ago!...want to fish the creek soon!) Newport News Res. Harwoods Mill Waller Mill Park Lake Smith Little Creek Res. Big Bethel I wanna also fish Chickahominy Lake and River, so any info on those would help too! Really looking for some kayak fishing peeps!! Let me know!!
  17. Hey all, I was wondering what you all keep in your kayak. Like, tools, random gear, and all of your fishing gear, plus your kayak and any customizations/mods you've done to it. I've kayaked before plenty of times, just never fished from one though. Have paddleboard fished though... that's an experience
  18. So I was wondering if anyone in this area did any fishing from a kayak and where? I bought my Kayak with the intentions of fishing in the shallow creeks of the rivers and the MANY ponds I have near me, but I am looking for a group or even just a person to fish with. I'm new to Yak fishing and just bought my first kayak so it seems a bit dangerous to be going it alone. Anyone know of any kayak fishing groups or anyone interested in going out on the water? I'm an avid bass fisherman, so fishing isn't an issue, it's really just kayaking in general (my wife brought up the point, I just realized she was right) alone seems really stupid at my novice experience level. I appreciate any information anyone can give me or any direction anyone can point me in. Thanks in advance. -Jeff
  19. I usually fish on the banks or in a kayak in some coves chestetee bay and was wondering what yall have had luck with especially with spawn. I've only caught spot and only on a wacky rigged senko with garlic scent.
  20. Hello all, I'm a new member to the site. I will be near Atlanta, Georgia for 3 weeks starting January 26th and I'm an avid bass fisherman from Indiana wanting to take advantage of the warmer temperatures down in Georgia while I'm visiting. I generally fish from my 10ft. fishing kayak and I plan on bringing it down with me to explore the great bass fishing opportunities of Georgia. Any tips as far as public waters, tackle tips, presentations or just general conversation about bass fishing is much appreciated. And also I'm a little concerned about alligators while fishing from my kayak. Wedon't have those critters up in Indiana. LOL
  21. We run a small fleet of pescador12 fishing kayaks on the river. We put tons of river miles in paddling up and down a remote 10 mile area of river were there is no take out or put in. To me everyone should have a 12 foot kayak its the perfect size , there virtually unsinkable . Sit On is the way to go for yak fishing. There are two different types of kayaks Lake kayaks 1. Hobie kayaks 2. Wilderness Systems 3.Jackson Kayaks 4.KC kayaks For lakes you want something wider and more stable. For rivers the pescador 12 is great , there only 28 inches wide and slice through the water .There is the Jackson cuda which was designed for rivers but it still is 31 inches wide .Its my preference in what I take out for the body of water im fishing. River kayaks 1. Pescador12 2.Malibu kayaks 3.Heritage kayaks
  22. It would be great if bass resource offered a section just for kayak fishing , not combined with boats and canoes .Kayak fishing is so versatile , I can travel ten miles down a river surrounded by land owners and river access and fish places were bass don't see lures.Its an amazing advantage to find great fish and adventure. Alote of state forums do offer kayak fishing its own section , and kayak fishing is growing so fast . The new KBS pro kayak circuit is starting this year offering great cash payouts. It would be great to have our own section and draw many more kayakers to this forum . Nationally there isn't a greater forum then this one . And only state fishing forums have really attracted the majority of kayak fishermen . To have a nationally forum like this catering to yakers needs would bring the kayakers together better from all different areas , thanks guys.
  23. Catching bass this last week on plastic worms , texas rigged.I started fishing fulltime and also taking people on the river . Starting to really find some good bass, super excited.
  24. Misfit95

    Kayak fishing

    From the album: Baaaaassss

    My view out of my Ascend FS10 fishing kayak while fishing out on a local lake.
  25. Hello All I have just joined and I'm looking for some advice on smallmouth fishing in the Western Finger Lakes. I will be bringing my kayak up this weekend and I'm looking for the best shot at catching some good sized smallies. I was up there last year and got to fish for about an hour before monsoon rains ran me off Canadice for the rest of the day. I did manage a couple of nice LM, but couldn't find any smallies. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Would it be helpful to bring my fishfinder on these lakes? Any other suggestions on lakes within 1.5 hours drive from there would also be welcomed. Thanks! Tim
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