OK so my central Florida folk please help me. give me a permission slip or something that’ll grant me access to one of the 5000+ honey holes in the area. I actually totally understand privatizing lakes and bodies of water so they don’t get overfished so people aren’t taking the fish out of their habitat for their ready I actually totally understand privatizing lakes and bodies of water so they don’t get overfished so people aren’t taking the fish out of their habitat before their ready(largemouth should be 100% return rate) But man finding access to a body of water for the five days a month I’m down here is absolutely painful. It’s been about four months since I’ve had to come down here every month for business, and I’ve grown borderline defeated of finding a fishable lake/pond.
If anybody has any pointers for me I got a 50 mile range, and would be eternally grateful. Grab your setups and meet me there, I’ll grab the grub and brews. I know the big lakes but I don’t bring my boat. Just need to find a couple little thinkers I can walk up to and bank Fish.
Thanks for any and all help in advance guys I will spend the rest of my morning driving in circles