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  1. A little background first. Those who know about these little motors know there is a water bypass plate right above the anti cavitation plate. When I first got this motor I wasn't sure what this plate was for but I had a feeling it had to do with the water intake. My suspicions were proven true when I was running in a barrel and allowed the water level to slowly go down until the plate was exposed and the pisser ran dry. I shut it off immediately of course. So with this in mind... From bracket to cav plate is 17" and my transom is 16". Everything I've read about proper mounting says the cav plate and keel should be as close to level as possible so that the cav plate will ride the surface of the water at high speed. That's all fine and good till I thought about that water plate. If the cav plate is on the surface, the water plate will be out of the water. What should I do? Leave it an inch low? Or will the plate being exposed not matter when going at speed?
  2. Hey All, I am having some problem maximizing my horsepower. I run a 20' 1997 Javelin 400TE with a Johnson 225 Venom. I am getting 46-48 mph when from what I've read I should be between mid-60s to low 70s. I have a manual jackplate and have been reading that Javelins need to be set up lower than other boats on the jackplate. Can anybody confirm this? I can't imagine that a wrong jackplate set up would cost me this much mph. Is there something specific in the motor I should be looking at? The motor smokes due to a fouled plug so I am changing them and the wires this weekend. Is there anything else I should or could look at? Thanks in advance, Andrew
  3. I have a family friend who has a 1990 pro craft pro caster 180 with a Johnson 150 GT v6 for sale $2000. This will be my first bass boat and I've read my forums about what to look for when buying but I can't really find anything particular on this model boat. Any help would be appreciated on what to look for and is that a good deal. I don't know the hours on motor and if I had to guess it probably hadn't been ran in over a year. Thanks for any help,
  4. Hope everyone is able to enjoy the spring bass slayin. Trying to get the boat on the water and I’ve run into an adapter I need for my engine controls. I have a 1995 Johnson 90 which I’m trying to control with a newer set of controls. Looking for the adapter that converts new wiring harness to 96 and older. I have found it on a few websites already but being new to the boating world I’m not too savvy on trusted, reputable and inexpensive websites for marine products. Any direction would be great and thank you in advanced. Adapter product number: CDI423-6344
  5. Does anyone know what the compression psi should be for a 1978 Johnson 25 hp? Ive been having some issues and did a compression test over the weekend. It read 90psi in both cylinders. Is that good/bad? I tried to search around for some info about this from johnson and have also searched other forums but have found nothing solid. Thanks in advance!
  6. I have come across a 1986 (I think its a 86') Kingfisher bass boat. Wanted to see if any of you boat gurus knew anything about them. This one has been neglected bad parked under a tree with no cover for 2 years. All the carpet is either ripped up, or out, or is nasty as heck. I didn't see any rips in the seats but there might be a few small ones or weather cracks. It has a 90hp Johnson and a Min Kota trolling motor. Some very small depth finder is there as well but looks like its probably ruined. It looks like a serious cleaning and new carpet would change its appearance dramatically. But I am no boat expert but want to get in one just to be able to hobby fish from. Not looking for a tournament or to join the Jones club comparing rides. Im just looking for a basic boat that can be fished from on a lake with a friend or two. The old Jon boat is fine but a little more solid vessel would be nice in the open water. Do you guys think there is any chance that it is worth saving without going in the red (spending way to much on a old boat)? And if so what roughly would it be worth. I was thinking $500.00 max but I may be way short on what its worth. Just considering I have no clue if anything works I didn't want to spend to much. This is the only pic I have currently.
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