Prior to Texas Rigging becoming the accepted way to rig plastic worms, lots of folks rigged them on a ball head jig. This predates the Shakey head by many years. It can be a great way to rig plastic worms, when you can do it. I can use this rig in early spring, before weeds get thicker. I've done best with an open hook jig worm, around sparse cover, and casting parallel with moss and weed edges, rock walls, sides of docks and boathouses etc. Almost any plastic worm can work, but I've done best with straight tail Zoom Trick and finesse worms. Owner makes great ball head jigs, and for less money, the Eagle Claw jigs have worked well too. I like the sickle hook jigs in 1/8 oz, mostly solid black. The open hook makes an easy hook set, and just a quick lift of the rod gets it done. It's an old, but proven way to catch bass. Does anyone else rig plastic worms on a ball head jig? If so, what jigs and worms are you throwing?