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  1. Hello, my name is Bob and I am looking for lakes and ponds to fish in the southwestern Ohia area. I don't mind paying or joining a fishing club. I will take all suggestions. Thanks. Bob
  2. Please allow me the opportunity to introduce myself, my name is Chris and have a great passion for bass fishing. In March of 2021 I quit my job to travel the country in search of Giant Bass. I sold my house in August and have been traveling since November. I have managed to catch some good sized bass but nothing I would consider what I set of in search of. Thanks for allowing me to introduce myself.
  3. Great to join the resource! I’ve got so much to learn, so much questions to ask. I’m a simple man just trying to live a simple life! Only ever fished on the bank, don’t own a boat and fishing sitting down is just too awkward for me. Will get to that point sooner or later but for now I’ll do what I can. ?
  4. Hey there! I got bit by the fishing bug mid July last year in 2019 and have become borderline obsessed with it. Catching my first bass on a Texas Rigged worm was one of the more satisfying experiences I can recall of recent memory. From that point on I have dedicated a good chunk of my life to chasing down LMBs. Majority of the time, I am fishing the bank at small ponds hidden behind businesses, public ponds that are tucked away from the general public’s watchful eye, stocked private ponds, the Little Miami and Ohio River, and occasionally at the nearest State Park, Eastfork Lake. I’m always looking for new spots to get my fix. Heck, I’ll fish for anything including catfish, striped bass, carp, bluegill, gar, etc. If it swims, I’ll enjoy catching it, EXCEPT massive snapping turtles! I grew up being taught to just hook up a night crawler, throw it in, and wait for the bobber to disappear. That’s still a fun and relaxing way to catch em’, but I was never really aware of all the specific techniques involved with catching different species of fish. After trial and a lot of error, I finally landed my first LMB on an artificial bait, which seemed like it would never happen. You can’t go wrong with a Texas Rigged worm! My eyes were opened that moment and have been hooked ever since. In my eyes, fishing is therapy for the mind, body, and soul. You just can’t beat the pure thrill and satisfaction of a bent pole with a fish pulling drag. I have invested in rods, reels, tackle, baits, and more recently a fishing kayak. I now want to invest in knowledge. I enjoy learning new techniques and am always open to improving my game. I finally started catching hoards of topwater fish this spring which has only sparked my interest even more. I am glad I have become part of a community that not only shares my passion, but can help me become a better angler along the way! I look forward to sharing many more experiences out on the water with you all! I’m all in! -John
  5. Hello All, It has been years since I was on this forum. Unfortunately, I lost access to my other email (College email address) and am unable to recover that account. I am happy to be back on such an amazing forum with such a positive community. Bass fishing in Colorado is nothing like it was in Texas but you can still find a hog every now and then!! (See attached!) Happy to be back!
  6. Good evening Gents and Ladies! I've really enjoyed learning from the videos and articles on this site for about 18 months. This is my first venture into the forums, and I am hoping to find some folks knowledgeable about fishing in West Michigan, especially the Kalamazoo-Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland area. Keep up the great work with site!
  7. Hello all! I am still new to the hobby/sport of fishing. I recently gotten my crave to hit the water and fish back in June '19 when the open-fishing weekend came around. Bought myself 2 rods and got my dad's old antique rod re-lined and hit up random water spots while falling down the rabbit hole that is youtube fishing. I'm located out in the Far Westend of Henrico county but am looking for any quiet, less traveled fishing holes in and around central Virginia. For right now I strictly stick to bank fishing as I don't have access to a boat or kayak of my own but a kayak is definitely on the docket of things to acquire here soon once I find usefulness/useful areas.
  8. Hey y'all! I'm a 19-year-old relatively new bass fisherman who currently resides near Omaha, Nebraska. I thought I'd get a little involved in the bass community today by creating an account and introducing myself. During my time here I wish to learn some things and also interact with people who are into bass fishing just as much, if not more, than I am ?. Here is some background information about myself and my journey in bass fishing. I assume I didn't have the same kind of start to bass fishing as most other people would, but I could be wrong. I was born and raised near Tampa, Florida, undoubtedly a great fishing area. However I only ever fished when I was fairly young, which included a small neighborhood pond and some cheap plastic rod and reel. I cannot remember catching anything; it was the purpose of it, a memory I will cherish forever. Fast forward through my teen years - I spent the vast majority of my time dedicating myself to competitive video games. "Competitive video games" may sound silly to some of you folks; I suspect the bass community has a far wider range of age, and culture. Nonetheless, I can say that my time committed to competitive gaming (thousands of hours) was well spent; During those years I developed strong cognitive skills, met a wide variety of like-minded individuals from all across the globe (some of which have turned out to be some of my best friends) and scored a little cash on the side as well. I'm sorry if this went a little off course, but I figured I could provide some insight into a different type of culture or lifestyle that maybe some fisherman have never had the chance - or wanted to - know a little bit more about. During September of 2017, my family and I decided to move up to a small town near Omaha, Nebraska. Part of the reason was because of Hurricane Irma and the animosity of the outcome of our situation had we stayed. A couple years after moving up, around the summer of 2019 (I was 18), I was re-introduced to fishing again by my grandfather. We started small and simple; live worms on some cheap Wal-Mart combo poles. We would catch some bluegill, maybe a catfish or two. Some time during these early days I hooked up on a Largemouth. I remember how exhilarating it was to fight this fish and try to land him on a cheap rig. Everything from the bite, hook, and release was fun and intriguing. I would say after that encounter, as well as the long summer ahead of me and a conveniently close pond, my love for bass fishing sparked. Over the summer and into late fall, all the way up until the start of winter, I spent most of my time fishing the aforementioned pond. I would almost say I was obsessed. I absolutely loved trying out all the lures I had no idea existed, all the different methods, learning about how the fish react and move. If I wasn't on the pond for 4+ hours trying out new things I learned, I was researching YouTube videos, forums, whatever, to try and learn more and more about the sport of bass fishing. Eventually I started to slowly get better. I basically self-taught myself on bass fishing; Albeit the vast amount of resources I was allowed to explore and learn from. Nearing winter, I had accumulated some nice fishing equipment - a $200 Lew's bait caster (a gift from my Grandfather) many lures, a nice Cabela's bag and hat. Along with the equipment I also accumulated some great knowledge of bass fishing - I learned a lot. I had a lot of fun during this time frame as well, which to me was the most important thing. Sitting on a bench under the shade on a peaceful Fall day, just me, the fish, and my thoughts. After waiting all of Winter without fishing (?) it's now nearing spawning season in my area. I cannot wait to get back out on the water and continue to develop my skills and have some fun. Hopefully in the future I will have the privilege to own a bass boat and invest more of myself into this sport. To me there is nothing quite as exciting as hooking up and fighting a fish, and when you land them that self satisfaction is awesome. Please, take some time to say hello in the comments if you'd like! If you would like to know anything else about me or my experience with bass fishing (as long as it's not too personal) feel free to ask. ? Also feel free to inform me on any mistakes in the text, as I rarely post on forums. Sorry if the use of bold and italics are too overwhelming ? That's it. Thanks for reading if you did, I appreciate your interest. I hope I get the chance to talk to some of you! Happy fishing everyone, and good-luck! My PB: (Sorry if incorrect handling, please inform!)
  9. What's up? I'm from Miami, FL. Been fishing since I was... four or five. Can't remember, but I've been hooked since. I do freshwater fishing. The Mile 35 Rest Area in the Everglades has been my all-time favorite place to fish since the very beginning. Bluegill, Bowfin (Mudifsh), Largemouth Bass, Peacock Bass, Tilapia, Mayan Cichlid, Brown Bullhead Catfish, Chain Pickerel -- I love to catch every species. If it's carnivorous, I want to hook and land it. And the harder the fight, the more enjoyable. And speaking of, why isn't the Peacock Bass available to choose as a favorite bass...? I'm simple with my gear. Always have been. My father used to buy all manner of lures, lines, and what-not, but we eventually settled on what we had the best results with, which are as follows: One inch jigs for panfish, a 4-inch Zoom Double Ringer in watermelon candy color for just about everything else, chicken liver for Catfish and Bowfin, and that Bass Pro Shops Tail Spin lure every now and then (mostly just for a change of pace). However, whilst I have such a long history of fishing, I've recently had a gap of 2 or 3 years, and I've never been privy to any of the technicalities of fishing gear or how anything really works. Everything's been trial and error. And if I shared the (mono) lines and size reels I used to use with one another, I'm sure many of you would cringe (lol). In fact, I've never once used the drag system of a reel. Takes too long to go through all that, in my opinion. Flipping the bail and letting line pull out from under my thumb has always been the quicker option for when a hooked fish (or what-have-you) has been too strong for my line. Which is why I'm here. I have specific questions that I haven't been able to find answers to. Perhaps I just haven't been looking hard enough, but I figure it's easier to ask on here, where there's people with a lot more knowledge than myself. Thank you, and have a great day (fishing).
  10. New to the site, just dropping by to say hello and happy to be here! Here's a couple pics for ya, first is my pb and second is my best from this year.
  11. The name's Kurt. I am a graphic design hobbyist, and a fishing enthusiast. 21 years young living in the U.P of Michigan. I've spent the majority of my young adult years either working, fishing, or designing marketing/promotion designs for sponsored anglers and pro-staffers alike. I'm mainly a bass fisherman, and by mainly a bass fisherman, I mean I only fish for bass... haha. We have some beautiful bronze-backs up here in Michigan, and no other species got my attention the way they did ? In closing, I would love to see where my journey on Bass Resource takes me. After taking some time to check out the website, I can definitely tell that there are some pretty awesome people here. I look forward to meeting a lot of you ? Tight Lines guys/gals ?
  12. Hello everyone, my name is Wade. Currently residing in Northwest Florida on Active Duty orders for the United States Navy, originally from Vermont. I grew up going fishing and playing baseball with my dad and older brother. I have always liked going fishing, but I never dug deep into the vast knowledge of bass fishing until 2 years ago or so. A lot of the information I know has come watch watching videos on YouTube from Glenn May (a.k.a. BassResource). I have been getting used to fishing Texas Rigs, Topwater baits, Weighted Jigs of all sorts (still have a hard time), different Crankbaits (still having a hard time as well), and different Finesse techniques. I had always fished from the bank/dock/land for as long as I remember. Recently I purchased a Field and Stream Eagle Talon 120 Kayak, which I whipped into shape for Kayak Fishing. Pictures don’t help the Kayaks appearance, it’s something you need to see in person. Besides getting into any more detail, if you have any questions about baits I use, how to use them, how I rigged my kayak, please feel free to ask questions. I will gladly get into detail as best as I can. Until then, Tight Lines, lets kick some Bass.
  13. Hi everyone, My name is Nick and I am 17; while I have been a member for a year I haven't really done much so I decided to introduce myself. I live in Virginia around the Richmond Area. I have grown up basically outside, I enjoy hiking, biking and of course, fishing. I just got a wilderness systems kayak and have been using that to my advantage. However, I am very bad at locating fish on large bodies of water. My favorite places to fish would have to be the James River for small mouth as well as Swift Creek reservoir for largies. I consider myself to be an aspiring fisherman and definitely have a lot to learn. Thanks!
  14. I am new to bass resources. I have been gathering info and tips for quite sometime but never joined. I grew up fishing mainly saltwater being from tidewater Va. I cut my teeth in still one of my favorite bodies of water the James river where some places are brackish. I moved to Georgia in 06 and started focussing on freshwater. I love it but it's very different to me compared to saltwater fishing. I'm still learning but I love topwater and I have most confidence in that technique. any way greeting from 30016
  15. Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi to the forum. I just got back into fishing after a roughly 7 year hiatus for college, postgrad life. Before that my family was avid anglers here in the west metro of MN. Now out on my own I've picked up a couple new rod and reel combos and am ready to get back into bass fishing again, this time from the bank. Tight lines and big hauls everyone.
  16. Hello! I'm Kevin from Mobile AL. Nice to be a part of the forum. I'm always interested in sharing my questions and learning from you all. I primarily fish the rivers here and Big Creek Lake. I will be starting a new topic of paring my rods and reels for best performance...please search "making combos"
  17. Hello, my name is Kurt Paris, I am an 19 year old from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, yes, I am a Yooper, and yes, we do have electricity in the U.P. But all jokes aside, I categorize myself as a graphic design hobbyist, and fishing enthusiast. I enjoy assisting small businesses and individuals with a very price effective way to obtain slick, clean, and professional looking graphics. I am also an outdoor fanatic, where I spend most of my time fishing, hiking, and just enjoying the wonderful place I am honored to call home. Fishing for me dates back years, back to my middle school days when my mom wouldn't let me go fishing alone, and she would come, pitch a chair, and watch me smoke them on a popper. I have always had a special love for fishing, but it wasn't until early 2015 that I decided I wanted it to be more than just a hobby. After befriending a few local tournament anglers, and joining the fishing community on social media, it took very little persuasion for me to want to do it. With the launch of 2017, I will put my goal of fishing professionally into action. Meeting new people, trying new things, and promoting myself as an avid angler as much as possible. I have intentions to create a YouTube channel dedicated to only fishing content, currently run a Twitter where I interact with my followers on a daily basis, and am building my Facebook profile to help me network with others who share the same passion I have for fishing. Through out the year of 2017, I hope to establish a great network of contacts, increase my marketing skills, and work with a few businesses. Being the 19 year old young adult that I am, I strive for success, and I understand that in order to accomplish that level of success, hard work and dedication are required. Time to tie some knots, and get those lines in the water.
  18. Hi from Temecula California! I started fishing about 3 months ago (as I live on a small lake) and first took my 2 daughter out (8 & 5) to catch bluegill because it is so easy on my lake. I decided to try for something larger and grabbed my first largemouth, I was hooked! (no pun intended) It seems to be all I think about now (just ask my wife) I have since upgraded my walmart spinning reel and added a baitcaster to the arsenal. Youtube has been a great help (shout out to Glenn May) This site is awesome! I love being able to ask questions and help in any way I can with people who share my passion. Peace and love Alex
  19. Hi everyone, I've been fishing since I was about 5 years old thanks to a dad who used to take me camping on a lake filled with largies. It was a tonne of fun and something that I've never let go of! Nowadays I'm fishing more for smallmouth bass in the Kawartha Lakes here in Ontario but am hoping to head onto some new water on Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, and the St. Lawrence River this coming year to learn a lot more. I'm shorebound but I don't let that discourage me as I've managed to learn how to catch decent sized fish from highly pressured bodies of water through spending time and learning from what I'm presented with at each spot that I go to. Cheers, and look forward to learning from all of you!
  20. hi i am new here it is nice to meet you all. i am 44 and living in gatinuea Quebec now but i grew up in the kawartha's in southern Ontario. i have been fishing most of my life and still ask questions. currently i am fishing on the ottawa river so it is currently my favorite place to fish. Want to know more just ask me
  21. Hey guys! I've been a guest on this site for a couple years and finally got around to making a profile. I'm from the metro area in Minnesota. I've been bass fishing for my whole life (I'm 18) this spring I graduated from high school and became an apprentice electrician which paid enough for me to quit using my dads boat and but my own. I have a Stratos 295 pro elite with a 200hp evinrude and a humminbird 898 and 858. I try to fish as much as I can and do a couple different local club tournaments. Its nice to be able to post on here now!
  22. celf


    Hi All, I just got into fishing this year and I'd like to introduce myself. I live in the Twin Cities, MN, and have been exploring the lakes around the cities. I'm mostly looking for bass, but our state's lakes are pretty well-known for walleye and northerns. I read a few fishing books and watched a bunch of YouTube videos and I'm excited to learn more on this forum!
  23. Hello everyone! I'm a 34 year old married man from southeastern Michigan. I've only recently (last summer) rediscovered my love and passion for fishing. As a child my grandfather would take me often, but as I grew older other desires began to take priority. This mainly involved partying and everything within that lifestyle. After my grandfather was killed I embarked on a spree of self destructive and self centered living. A few years and a great deal of pain later I decided my life needed new direction and purpose. I proceeded to seek help and many wonderful people along my journey responded. I got sober, turned my life over to God, and enroled in school so I could begin helping others. Five years later I'm married to the love of my life and we have a precious little angel with blonde curls. We have made a lovely home and I have a humble career serving others and helping them to find the same freedom I have. I am very blessed and I give all praise to Our Creator. Last summer my supportive wife decided she wanted to get me a fishing rod for Father's Day. Since then I've obtained a great deal of knowledge about bass fishing through extensive research of articles, videos, and websites like bass resource. I've also gathered a great deal of gear; three bait cast combos, a new spinning setup, and a variety of baits and lures. No boat, I'm beating the banks of my local lakes and rivers, but we all start somewhere. I do have a friend who lives on Lake St. Clair and I connected with the owner of the private pond my grandfather would take me to. What an experience it was to fish out of my grandfathers 14' aluminum boat on the water he taught me to fish on some 25+ years later. My first time out there a friend and I caught 80+ largemouth in 7 hours. No doubt my grandfather was looking down and guiding my line. I've developed a passion and a love for fishing in such a short time, but who's to say it hasn't been building in me all along. I'm honored to be a part of this community, to learn from those who share my passion, and have a place to express the victories and defeats of life. With nature and God's creation as our backdrop. I thank you all ahead of time and I am very grateful. Many blessings- Justin A fisher man
  24. Whats going on guys, just wanted to see what this website was about and asked a question about a lake I will be fishing in WV and got some very solid responses from stfreed, z7master167, and a few others so I figured I'd give and intro. I am majoring in fisheries resources at West Virginia University but I am originally from Cleveland. I have fished all my life but have started to get serious about bass fishing recently and joined the WVU fishing club. I would like to enter some fishing tournaments and maybe even get sponsored some day. To date my biggest fish was a largemouth bass that was just under 6 lbs. at Holiday lakes in Willard OH, but hopefully I will break that record this season. GO EEERRRRSS!!!
  25. Hello everyone, I have been on before and just read forums, along as watched every video on bassresource's YouTube channel, and have decided that I joined this awesome community with so much angling information. My name is Will Kirkgard, born and raised in Austin, Texas, 21 years old, and I am currently a junior at the University of Texas at Austin and I am perusing a bachelors in petroleum engineering with a minor in geographical information systems. Fishing has always been apart of my life, but only recently has it become pretty serious. I grew up blessed to have a grandfather with a lake house on Lake Conroe outside of the Houston area, and that is a great little lake where I grew up fishing and learning my fishing basics. When I came to college, my group of guy friends that I became apart of were big into fishing; a couple of us have boats and most have kayaks so when we have a break from studying, we always hit the local lakes here in Austin. I am still on a college budget so I don't exactly have the greatest of equipment compared to others, but I make-due with the equipment I have (two bait casting, two spinning) and the lures I can buy every now and then. I have recently joined the Bass Team here at UT and am looking forward to compete with other colleges in a competitive environment around the state/country. Anyway, I still have so much to learn and I am extremely excited to learn from those of you who love to share fishing knowledge. This place is awesome and I can't wait to get to know some of you. Thanks and Hook 'Em, Will Kirkgard University of Texas at Austin | B.S. Petroleum Engineering will.kirkgard@utexas.edu
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