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Found 16 results

  1. Midwest Illinois fisherman here interested in buying a Megabass Magdraft. I have a lot of confidence in buying, trying and fishing new baits but always struggle with being indecisive about what color to buy. I mostly kayak fish lakes with lots of vegetation, rocky bottoms and plenty of shiners, minnows, crappie, sunfish and bluegill as forage for largemouth bass. Considering buying both 6 and 8” options I would appreciate some suggestions for choosing color.
  2. Hi everyone, This is my first post here. I really enjoy educational content & conversations so I would like your advice. I am living in IL, near Busse Woods. I usually fish around there. I have been reading a lot of reports from Cook and DuPage counties, but what are good lakes I can fish from bank? I would love to buy a good boat and fish like a pro but I am a bank fisherman. My main target is always largemouth bass. Let me know if you have any good lakes around this area (Elk Grove Village and Schumburg areas). Thanks in advance!!
  3. I'll be making a trip down to Kinkaid Lake in southern Illinois next weekend. I know this lake is known for it's Muskie. I'll be bass fishing. Anyone know anything about this lake as far as the bass is concerned? Looks like a pretty large lake and fairly deep in some spots. I'm assuming the bass will be shallow with the spawn. Any advice? Hopefully I don't get skunked!
  4. Hello everybody im from central illinois. Ive been fishing for 12 years now. I fish alot of local lakes and would like to find some amatuer tournaments for any species.
  5. Hi, First post. I've been reading here for quite some time and just never got around to registering for the forum. I currently live near Chicago. Today was overcast, kinda chilly, and alot windy; but still was looking foward to some fishing tonight after work, until it started up seriously raining. I had bass on the brain! Signing up here seemed like the next best thing ? Between fishing saltwater offshore, inshore and onshore up and down the east coat from Montauk to Hilton Head, and living in Louisiana (aka Fishing Heaven) for some years, I've bèen hooked for 30+ years. Fly fishing is the only rod/reel variety I never really have gotten into (yet). Tight lines, _c
  6. Anyone ever had succes on the public pier at bangs lake.
  7. From the album: Ice Fishing 2016

    Here is my first bass ever through the ice. Just a little one but its great to catch the first fish of the year and my first bass through the ice.
  8. I've been fishing for my entire life but just began to get serious about it in the past few years. I am now completely hooked (please excuse the pun). I want to start fishing tournaments but I'm completely at a loss for what I should have in the way of gear to begin fishing competitively. Is there any must haves and ideas for how to begin. Thanks to everyone who responds!
  9. Hello all! Its a nice little spot Ive stumbled upon during some research. Hope to meet some new anglers near or far! I love bass fishing and do it several times a week. Can't get enough! I'm on a mission for that trophy bass of course lol.
  10. I'm curious how to fish specifically Carlyle lake but the region as well. I am moving there next week from GA where the bass live in the grass. Any tips will help. Also interested in a local club that does minimal traveling if you know of one.
  11. Hi all, We are proud to announce that we, the Illini Bass Fishing Club, will be hosting our 3rd Annual High School Open April 6th on Clinton Lake. This tournament is open to all high school anglers even if their school does not have a club established. Last year we had over 300 people at the weigh in along with 68 boats and 136 competing anglers. We also gave away over $2000 worth of prizes to the anglers that placed 1st-10th as well as Big Bass. If you have any questions feel free to message me or call the numbers listed on the flyers below. Also check out our article on Bass Master! http://www.fightingillinibassclub.com/uploads/6/5/1/8/6518616/third_annual_ibfc_open_1.pdf http://www.bassmaster.com/news/college-team-hosts-high-school-tournament Third Annual IBFC Open 1.pdf
  12. I will be moving to Ofallon, IL next year and was looking at my local bass club options up there. Any suggestions?
  13. This is a forum on bass behavoir right now: are they bedded or cruisin the shallows, are they agressive or suspended on ledges, etc... I'm in illinois and i've had a little luck on ledes and points due to the fluctuating weather we've been having, but, given that said weather is stabilizing, my luck is going to schtako. So, tell us where you are, whats lures have been workin, the bass' behavoir, and where the hell you've been findin 'em!!!
  14. The Des Plains River hosts many tournaments all year long. This is for anyone who has info on the river.
  15. So my family just got our first bass boat. Sweet lightly used Ranger 188vx! I could not be more excited. We live in the Chicago area and are making a trip to Wisconsin in about a month. Today we decided that's too long to wait to fire this baby up. As of now we are still deciding where to put her in for the first time. Obviously much of the day will be spent just enjoying the fact that we are on a Ranger lol, but I would like to catch some fish as well to really see the potential of the boat. Does anyone have any suggestions on a lake? It will just be a day trip so please keep in mind my location in Chicago. Probably a 3-4 hour drive each way would be the max we can do next week. Thanks
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