What a difference, been using ios on the iPhone 4 since it came out and I became use to the functionality of it but also frustrated with the limited capabilities. I missed the customizations, with ios you get what they want you to like and that's it, coming from the pc windows world I like options. I wanted change and the nail in the coffin was when apple decided to add a app row instead of making their screen larger like everyone wanted.
I went with a Galaxy Note 3, I know go big or go home right Huge change and after 5 days I've barely scratched the surface with the whole system. The screen size is nuts, after the first day I tried to go back to the iphone and it was so small, it really shows how small the screen was.
Between the two what I miss with the iphone is the fluidity and refinement/quality of apps. I also have to relearn input since I'm use to the ios and the two operation systems are very different. I'm sold for now and every day I find something else I like more about it.