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  1. Thinning the beard a bit, selling all this as a lot. Would be willing to break it down upon request. Looking to get $50 TYD. -13 hard baits -25 packs of soft plastics -9 jigs -4 hollow body frogs -1 soft body swimbait -3 unopened packs of hooks Brands include Savage Gear, Monster Bass, Heddon, Arbogast, Rebel, Lunkerhunt, Bass Pro, LiveTarget, ScumFrog, Trapper, Daiichi, Bruiser Baits, Yamamoto, V&M, Berkely Powerbait, Big Bite Baits, Biospawn, Catch Co, Zoom, Venom, Xcite, Charlie’s, Culprit, and some that are unknown. The hard baits include: -1 glide bait -1 walking bait, -4 crankbaits, -1 prop bait, -2 hula poppers -1 jitterbug -2 jerkbaits, -1 lipless The soft plastics, most packs are opened and missing 1 or 2 baits, some packs are new and unopened, some contain less than 5, and some are in my own plastic baggies. Over 100 baits in 25 bags. They include: -tubes -paddletails -creatures -craws -ribbon tails, -grubs -finesse worms -lizards The jigs contain a couple footballs, couple finesse, and some flipping jigs. The hardbaits and jigs will be shipped in a plastic tackle box that measures 10 3/4” x 6 3/4”. The plastics and hooks will be shipped in the same shipping box on top of the plastic tackle box containing the hardbaits. Feel free to message me with questions about a certain bait or pack.
  2. I have these old worm hooks that I love to fish with. I've had tons stored up over the years but I'm running out and can't find them any longer. An old friend that I fished with when I was a kid got me started on them. I could get them from a little bait shop up in Pinson, AL and at the Worm Shack in Tuscaloosa, but never thought to look elsewhere for them. That was a couple decades ago and I have lost track of my friend so I can't ask him. The bait shop in Pinson is no longer there and the gal that I talked with at the Worm Shack had no idea. Can anyone help me identify these hooks and maybe where I can find more of them? Thanks in advance for the help! Ray
  3. TLDR I was wondering about your guys’ opinions on crimping-down hook barbs. Do you? Don’t you? Always? Sometimes? Never? Why or why not? So I’ve been crimping my barbs on some of my hooks. It started when I was unhooking a bleeder (largemouth), and the barb was obviously causing a lot of damage; it ended up ripping a big blood vessel in his throat, and I wasn’t comfortable releasing him. I do harvest some juvenile eating-sized black bass, but usually in the fall (to thin the schools, so the larger breeders have a better shot at surviving the winter) but I didn’t have my cooler with me, so I ended up cutting my fishing trip short so I could go home and clean him (it was a really hot day). If that barb hadn’t been there, that largie prrrobably would have survived. Probably. Now then, getting philosophical (and just a bit political), I really dislike state policies that mandate barbless hooks — I tend to be vvvery libertarian-minded on most political issues, and I’m sure a lot of you are also. If you’re an adult, you do what want, when you want, as long as you aren’t hurting others or their property and you accept full responsibility for your actions. So I’m definately against barbless mandates, bbbut there are some advantages to barbless. And if you disagree, that's not only fine, it's encouraged. I’ve been an avid fisherman since I was a little kid, I’m in my mid-30’s now, and I’ve NEVER hooked myself past the barb, knock on wood. I’ve had friends that have hooked themselves, and it kind of puts a damper on the day if we get it out, or ends the trip then and there. One of my friends in high school had a pike shake and put the hook perfectly around and underneath a vein in the back of his hand. Surprisingly, not a lot of blood, because it missed the vein and the pike had popped-off the treble, thankfully — there was no going to the “fishing line trick” to snap the hook out on that one. My sister is an eye surgeon, and I finally had to have her stop discussing hook-in-eye injuries with me. She sees cases not too often when she’s on call, but not infrequently in the summertime, so if you’re feeling brave, go search “fishing hooks in eyeball” images online (you’ll never leave your sunglasses on the tailgate again). You can imagine that if you get hooked in the eye, it’s never going to be the same again, and according to her they never are. We would all like our hook sets to be in the roof of the bass’ mouth, but it’s not always happening that way. My understanding is that if you tear a big enough hole in thin cheek membranes, they rarely heal shut (according to a fisheries biologist I’ve talked to) — some people say differently — I think those that say, “oh yeah, no big deal, those big rips heal up in a week” — I’d like to see their evidence. They say that because they realize they’re handicapping those fish — fish that have a giant hole in their cheek can’t suck-up baitfish as well as those that don’t — the suction is reduced by up to 34% on average ( https://jeb.biologists.org/content/221/19/jeb180935 ). If the rip is big enough, I just cull those fish now, too. Again, I don’t have a problem killing fish, but it’s just an inconvenience if you didn’t bring a stringer or a cooler with you, and I refuse to not eat any animal I kill (including mosquitoes and roadkill…just kidding [though I have actually eaten roadkill]). And we’ve all had hooks in our clothing before, I’m guessing. Barbless, you just pull them out, no big deal. Have I lost fish on barbless? Well of course, but I can count on one hand the number of fish that got away since I started this experiment last season. I think it also makes playing the fish in more engaging because you have to constantly figure out the best angle to hold your rod for the best line tension. There are a lot of hooks that I don’t crimp — for different reasons. Like if I dropshot a nosehooked fluke, I wont crimp because that barb holds the plastic on there. Or if I want to land more fish than my buddies. Or I want some bluegill for flathead bait. Or I forgot my pliers in the truck. Or maybe I just don’t want to. But I’ve honestly probably lost just as many fish on barbed hooks during this experiment, too. And do we honestly have to land EVERY fish we catch? Isn’t the fight what we're doing it for, and if you get her in close enough and she pops off, it’s like, “hey, good fight, you did me a favor, actually”? Sometimes if you’re catching them one after the other, back to back to back casts, quick release is better -- just put some slack in the line. So those are just some of my thoughts. Curious about your thoughts about barbless, now.
  4. So I'm looking for some information on what pound test braided line I need to bend-out snagged hooks. Obviously it's going to differ for the size/gauge of the hook, plus whatever it's stuck in. And of course 100# or greater will do the job on just about any hook. I guess I'm looking for lightest braid I can use to bend-out, say, a 3/0 superline EWG hook. Whether it's stuck in submerged wood or rock (or the occasional tree ?) might be another variable...Anyone ever done any tests? Also, I carry a hand towel with me to jerk on the line directly, in such occasions, so I don't break my rod -- I'm comfortable using heavier pound test than whatever rod I'm using was designed for. Kind of makes me sick to break-off snagged lures -- not just because I want to get the lure back -- but because potentially some ex post facto fish is going to consider it to be food and give him a bad month...or several months, if it lives it that long...I just REALLY don't like leaving lures out there...
  5. I've re-sharpened treble hooks on good lures that are permanent, I don't replace hooks on lures unless I need to and I've never needed too. But single hooks like mosquito hooks, wacky rig hooks, and what not are more replaceable hooks. Maybe you re-sharpen them until you've reached a point where you just toss them and replace them eventually. Do you re-sharpen single hooks or do you just replace them when they get dull?
  6. Hey Fellas! Tell me what you guys use when your fishing with a senko-style soft plastic. What do you believe are the "Do's and Don't" when deciding what tackle and equipment? Baitcaster or spinning reel? Line? Hooks? Rod length and action? I've had great luck using a lew's speed spool baitcaster with 12 lb floro. I also use a 3/0 EWG red hook on a Carolina Rig. Always looking to try new things!
  7. I don't think my idea or way of sorting things is really all that interesting but my sister really wanted me to show you all so here we go. Please don't mind the red light in the picture as that is my heat lamp light for my leopard gecko tank. I will take my lure and anything with a hook and hang them on small tacs. By doing this i believe it helps with drying and keeping my stuff nice and organized some what. Also, I have all my hooks on a safely pin and this goes for all hook sizes. I'd like to hear what you all think of it.
  8. I recently started throwing a 130 loon whopper plopper and have been getting some awesome hookups. However, the bigger fish keep shaking off the hooks about halfway through the battle to the boat in the water. It feels like I am getting solid hook up but they still shake it off. I am able to keep the fish down and from jumping out of the water but they still seem to be able to shake off the bait. In the last 2 days I have lost 2 really nice fish. The stock hooks on the 130 actually seem quite robust in strength and sharpness. I am currently throwing the plopper on my frogging setup: 50-lb brand on a Heavy power fast tip rod. What can I do to keep the fish buttoned up better? Change the hooks? I've seen some saltwater guys change to "#6 Octopus" hooks. Use a different setup? Change landing technique? Thanks for your help.
  9. Hey Bass Resource community! I got a question for ya. I am in the process of launching my own little ... i don't even know what you wanna call it too be honest haha. But I am currently looking into jig making. I would like to buy my molds from Do-it, but ran into a few questions about hooks and what not. My jigs will quality jigs with quality materials, equipped with a nice, heavy duty hook. I am not interested at all in using the Mustad hook that Do-It suggests for the mold. Q: Will I be able to use Owner 5317 hooks with the Do-It Weedless Brush Jig Mold? If not out of the box, what kinds of modifications would one have to do to the mold.
  10. Hi guys, I'm new to the forum. I was wondering if you guys could recommend any specific hooks for mojo rigging. I plan to use a light wire hook because I will be using light tackle. I just can not seem to find much light wire worm hooks. I will be using zoom finesse worms (4 3/4 inch). Thanks
  11. Hi everyone, Just started fishing at a new lake called Lake Chabot in the Oakland area and was wondering what you guys have had success on in that lake specifically or if you have any tips when fishing a new lake. It is a relatively large lake with deepish water in certain areas. Stocked with trout but has bass and catfish as well. Thanks for the help!
  12. rattle: I like using a squarebill crankbait that dives to about 4 feet and have always wondered if they are better with or without the rattle. I personally prefer the rattle, but i've noticed that most come without rattle, even some of the more expensive $20+ models. Is a silent crankbait preferred. I am sure there are situations where one works better than the other and it all depends on fish attitude. But what I am really trying to understand is which is intended setup and if I only had one with me, which would be best to have. bait: I've been using a strike king kvd 4s pro model with trokar hooks and builtin rattle. How does this crank compare to others? hooks: The 4s comes with trokar hooks, that I seem to loose a few fish on until I tried other hooks. Do you think this is just in my mind, or are the stock trokar hooks not that good? line: Here's one I am really curious about. How much better is fluorocarbon over braid? Does fluorocarbon invisibility really increase bite counts?
  13. Saw a few posts about this with interesting [to me] responses. Curious what the numbers look like. Sorry... Just realized the second question is required. I guess the accuracy of that question is out the window.
  14. Where can you buy owner wacky hooks other than online? And I'm talking about the normal 1/0 ones not the weedless ones. And where would you get it the cheapest? The nearest bass pro to me is like 20 miles away so I don't want to go there to get those hooks. And I've checked in Walmart but it wasn't there, they only had Gamakatsu and Eagle Claw. Dicks seems to have discontinued selling fishing tackle because recently I haven't seen any fishing stuff in their stores. Any place that sells them in stores other than bass pro. I'm in Illinois btw. Also, is there a point to get weedless wacky hooks? Do they lessen hook-up ratio and are they worth the extra $?
  15. So whenever I Texas Rig my senko I use a Gamakatsu EWG worm hook. But recently I have been wacky rigging with o-rings and I was wondering if there is a difference between using a wacky hook such as the owner wacky rig hook or if the EWG hook I am using is fine. As of right now I'm still catching a lot of bass on the EWG hook wacky rigger. It does look a little odd and big but it hasn't been failing me. Is there a specific reason to use the wacky hooks when wacky rigging? Like does using a EWG hook affect the action as compared to a wacky hook. And also is there a difference in using weedless vs non-weedless because I have heard that weedless hooks don't help much anyway.
  16. Kind of funny, I just saw the Bassresource video on how not to get hooked when landing fish. Too late. This was my hand in the ER Sunday night. I landed a little un an didn't notice the trailer hook hadn't penetrated the fish anywhere at all, so I was holding the fish and reaching to get the bait out when it gave a good thrash and the next thing I know I am feeling a tug on my finger that wasn't quite right. I looked down and the spinner bait hook was still in the fish mouth, the trailer hook straight through my fingers with some blood seeping out of the holes. Now I live out in the sticks, so the ER is a half hour away. I go home and my wife drives me to the ER. Of course, I try to remove this myself a couple different ways but nothing works, so i figure let the Medical professionals handle it instead. At the ER, the Doc says, no biggie, we'll just cut the shaft on the long end and slide the other end out. So he numbs up my finger with a Lidocaine block, gets out these little tweezer cutters and begins. No luck, hardened steel hook. So they try wire cutters. No luck. I take the wire cutters away from them, put one end on a table and put my full weight down on the handle trying to get it to even dent the hook. No luck. But the nurses are about to pass out watching me work on it myself, while cracking jokes about how its my mess, I'll clean it up. One nurse says "so how did you you do that?" and I can't resist... "Well, I was chasing this Bear through the woods....." and the look on her face is quite funny. "Fishing. Last cast. Caught one, wasn't paying attention and this trailer hook (I hold my hand up and slide the lure back and forth in the eyelet of the hook that's through my finger) went through this finger." She turned white and left the room. So anyway, they can't figure out a way to cut it and I tell them to get some bolt cutters. Only problem is it's Sunday night, July 4th weekend, 930 and the maintenance folks are out having fun and no one can find the keys to the room where the bolt cutters might be, let alone know where the bolt cutters actually are. So I lay back and go to sleep. My wife tells me later that every now and then I would do that jerking thing you do when you're in between sleep and waking and the spinner blades would tinkle. When I woke up I got the cutters and removed the rubber keeper altogether so I could get the spinner bait away from the hook. That was at least some progress and made it easier on my hand not having to hold the spinner bait. Eventually the maintenance guy gets there, like around 11, and I really did appreciate him coming in. It was that or drive home to get my bolt cutters and DIY it and then probably drive back to the ER for some sterilization stuff or whatever just to be on the safe side. Doc comes in with bolt cutters, asks me to grab the hook where its sticking out the farthest, he places the jaws either side and with a quick squeeze a "tink" emits and I am holding the protruding hook and barb end in on hand, shaft in the other. I sit down and he slides the rest of it out and I am free. But heres comes the worst part. He tells me to let my finger soak in antibiotic/sterile fluid for fifteen minutes and then I can go. Then he comes back in two minutes later and says he wants to flush it out some too. So he puts a syringe with a rubber tube attached that's about the same diameter as the hook in some saline, draws it up nice and full and shoots it in the top hole as I hold my hand over the bowl. No big deal, I feel it run though and dribble out the bottom. Then he flips my finger over and stick it in the other side to go back the other way. He started squirting that stuff in there and my finger exploded into pain like it was on fire and then it shot across half my hand, other digits and thumb shaking like I had just got shocked. I nearly passed out, and up until that point, this was no big deal, despite what it looked like. My wife jumped up and grabbed me because she thought I was going to fall over. Ouch. So anyway, Doc says "Ok, it's sealing up, I'm not going to do that any more." Thanks Doc. Best news I had all night. Anyway, after all that, once that hook was out, (and they stopped shooting saltwater in the hole) it stopped hurting in about 5 minutes. I left with the spinner bait intact and a band aid on my finger. Moral of the story? I guess it's be careful, cause the hooks these days are pretty stout and if you get one stuck in you, it might be harder than you think to get it out. I am just glad my lack of caution didn't result in something worse than a hole in the fleshy part of my finger. It was't too bad, I was back playing my guitar the next afternoon. I had never been hooked at all before, I hope I never get hooked again. Lesson learned.
  17. I am going through and changing hooks, split rings, line, etc., and I just had a few questions as to how other people do some of these, and which brands offer quality and affordability. I'll start with lures. I have approx. 250-300 hard baits with treble hooks. Most are typical bass sized lures between 2"-5", using mostly #6, #4, #2 treble hooks, but there are panfish/trout/finesse baits that use #10 or possibly even #12s, and musky cranks with trebles up to #4/0. I would like to replace as many of these as possible. Can someone recommend a good quality, and affordable, treble hook that I can buy in bulk? I can sharpen some of these, especially the larger ones, but there are simply too many to hand sharpen them all, plus many have hooks that simply need replacing. What about split rings and possibly oval rings? Can someone recommend a decent pair of split-ring pliers for smaller sizes? I have a pair that works just fine for large split rings, but not for the sizes typically used on bass lures. What's a good rule of thumb for changing braided line? I've been told that you can use it twice by cranking it onto another reel, so that you use both ends. Can you do something like one season per end (depending on how often you fish), or is it better to go by when it loses its color? Do you simply cut off the faded section and respool when it looks like it's too low? One more question: What is a good, easy-handling fluorocarbon to put on a spinning reel? It would be a small spinning reel like a light action or ultra-light, and it may be used part-time by a novice. Or would I be better off using braid w/fluoro leader, or a copolymer like Yo-Zuri Hybrid?
  18. Hello i am new to the whole boat thing and i want to know what would be best for me. I want to be able to bring 1, maybe 2 people with me max. i Would like it light enough to put in the bed of a truck and being able to put a trolling motor on it would be good too. I am not set on a jon boat it can be a canoe or anything that you guys will think that will fit my needs. I am also not looking to spend 2000 bucks either. Thanks and tight lines!! Joey B <ºj))))><
  19. i know you should closely match the hook diameter to the thickness of the line you are using, right? because too thin a line and too thick a hook, you can easily break the line or knot. and vise-versa you can straighten or unbend the hook. my question is, i use 6 or 8lb (i dont remember) silverline co-polymer line on my 6'6ft medium light spinning rod. with a shimano sahara 2500 reel. i like to use finesse worms and senkos, drop shotting and no hooking wacky rig etc etc.. what hooks are o.k. to use with such thin line? i have 1 o/t offset worm hooks, and size 2, 4 and 6 octopus and baitholder hooks... are these okay? or is there a super thin wire hook for such line?
  20. Today I caught three 12 lbs carp. This is my first carp I have ever caught within the US! I'm so excited! I used Multi Rig with creamed corn+quick greets+white bread. Used the same bait to chumm the area about 20-30 min prior to fishing.
  21. I want to use a 5/o offset hook on my MH moderate berkley lightning rod (casting). what do you think is the lightest lb test I can get away with using if I choose to use mono? I was thinking 17# stren, but what would you use?
  22. what are these hooks made for?
  23. http://www.ebay.com/itm/25-VMC-SHORT-SHANK-1X-TREBLE-HOOKS-SIZE-4-BLACK-NICKEL-9651BN-BULK-9651-/171495956742?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27edf4a106#ht_817wt_867 http://www.ebay.com/itm/15-Mustad-Triple-Grip-Short-Shank-Treble-Hooks-Size-4-TG76BN-BULK-/181563054976?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a46005b80#ht_421wt_867 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Gamakatsu-298408-Short-Shank-Treble-Fishing-Fish-Hooks-Magic-Eye-Size-4-/381030499284?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58b73003d4#ht_2488wt_1165 I need help on this decision... What one of these is the best deal on some replacement hooks for my crank baits? and by best deal I mean cheapest for the strongest rust resistant hook.
  24. It's hard to bring the superbowl into caonversations on a fishing forum, but I've managed to find a way. If you could make a commercial for fishing products, or make a slogan....what would it be. Possible slogans for me: Duct tape-"If you can't solve a problem with duct tape...you're just not using enough duct tape!" Gamakatsu- "Designed to make bass hold on longer, with extra salt we got from you body while we were bleeding you dry at the cashier." Ragetail- "If you can't solve a problem with a rage tail...then you must be finesse fishing." (They have nothing for finesse fishing. or "Tail so nice it should be living with Hugh Hefner." You see a rage tail bait getting cast out of sight, into a marshy area, near cattails and lily pads, then all up a sudden...BAM, out jump Charlie Sheen, chasing along a point parallel to the moving bait, running and jumping like the freerunner that would obviously being doing the stunts for him. Then he get to the end of the point, and jumps at the bait in the water in slow, dramatic motion, and SPLASH! Then you see the name and hear an announcer say "Tail so nice, Charlie Sheen should be chasing it." (We could substitute Charlie with a CGI Hefner.) Then you see KVD lift his lure out the water with Sheen hanging on and he shakes his head. KVD products-"It's got my name on it...need I say more." Commercial: KVD pitching and flipping on a boat, then he turns to look at the camera, still fishing, says the slogan "KVD products...It's got my name on it...need I say more," and just as he finishes it he pulls a giant fish into the boat. Meanwhile Dale Earnhardt is doing doughnuts in a grassy field in the background. Lazer Trokar-"So sharp you won't feel the hook sticking out of you neck." or "So sharp you feel the barbed hook in you until you have to pull it out." or "Made for your convienience, so sharp it doesn't hurt when you get stuck, so you can keep on fishing." Commercial: You see a man about 50 feet away, fishing at sunset; then they have a close up shot of his smiling face. Then the camera slowly zooms out and you see dozens of hooks dug into his arms and neck and legs, still happily casting, His next cast catches his pants and rips them off, while he just keeps casting happily. Then the image blurs and the name and slogan comes up. "Made for your convienience, so sharp it doesn't hurt when you get stuck, so you can keep on fishing." Bass Pro Shops-"The industry's best enabler, feeding your addictions since 1971." Cabelas-"You can list us as a church on your taxes, after all, you donate 10% percent of you income to us anyway." Powerbait Guy pulls into his driveway, confused at the sight of cars on his lawn and the sound of music. He sneaks into his garage and starts to don his fishing gear...SLAM the door opens and his wife is standing there. "You forgot about the party." "I was gonna go fishing," he says. Suddenly you see her smile and as the camera zooms out, see that she is wearing a Cabelas shirt, and realize she wants to go too "Well we would have to get these people out then wouldn't we...her expression his expression... She goes, grabs a couple of power bait packages from his tackle box, and walks into the house, she opens them and puts one behind the sofa, one in the refrigerator, another in the cooler and underneath the table. The guest start pinching their noses "Oh my god! What is that smell!" They start running out and a 20-something woman walks up to the wife, "MOM! What did you do?!" Then you see the husband and wife drive away, a boat in tow and hear an announcer say "Power Bait, Holy Crap it stinks." or "Powerbait...It'll clear out a room."
  25. Hey guys I had a really nice bass today out of a pond by my house. Amazingly I caught the same fish the day before and I know this because of a distinctive eye shape. I hooked him in the side of the mouth by the joint where the jaw opens in a bony part of his mouth and he got tore up some and I was wondering if he would be ok because I am really worried that he will not make it.
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