I'd never heard of the bait monkey until I joined BR. Going through my tackle collection last night, I can see the bait monkey has taken a toll on me. I have so much fishing stuff I've collected over forty years it's ridiculous. Bags of unopened plastics, hard baits, spoons, and everything else. I've already given my grandson and his friend a good amount of these things, and I still have too much. Thing is, I usually use the same five or six baits when I go fishing, because thats what has worked well on my lakes. Would a golfer have too many golf clubs? Would a ballplayer have too many gloves, or pairs of cleats? I don't know? My wife made a good suggestion. She said I should contact the local scout troop and make a donation. They have a couple of fishing derbies each year, and would probably appreciate this stuff. She then said," your problem is that your tackle bound". She's right. Fishing, and buying tackle is an addiction.And the bait monkey is real. Anyone care to comment? Have you been influenced by the bait monkey?