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  1. i have had my daiwa tatula ct 100hs for less than a month now and after using it in heavy rain for 1 day. I also used it in salty conditions in a bay but washed it off straight after. Is there a chance that it rusted or something got in the gears? Ive checked the spool and side plate but im afraid to open the reel side plate for fear of losing pieces or not putting it back together correctly. Is it easy to take apart the plates and reassemble?
  2. I have a question about finesse fishing. How does it work? I thought bass are aggressive and ambush, how do they like a bait that just sits and holds still? I mean I know they are also opportunistic feeders but I feel like they would rather ambush something that moved like a fish. I also have heard from Mike Iaconelli that it triggers a reaction bite. How does it do this when it finesse is supposed to be subtle and finesse and not reaction style? Thanks!
  3. Hey everyone. I was fishing lake Washington today and I fish the spots marked in blue and I didn’t do good at all. I feel like I don’t fish bad spots but why can’t I catch fish. Where would you all fish on a lake like this and what would you use. Most of them are in pre spawn with water temp of 54 degrees. I am in a tournament and today was day one and tomorrow is the last day and I need to get some fish. Thanks
  4. I just bought a Shimano Bantam Coriolis co-100 from eBay and I cannot find the right owners manual online. There is a lever next to the spool tension knob and I have no idea what it does. The only marking says "F" and I wanted to know if anyone here knows what it does. image of what I'm referring to: https://postimg.cc/jn5TBx9q
  5. My spinning reel makes a clicking noise at the lowest and highest points when my spool goes up and down. I saw on another thread that its from an screw on this oscillating piece that is loose, so I tried tightening it and turns out it was tight, so I don't even know why its clicking but anyways when trying to put it back together I had this spring that I needed to put in place and I cant get it into place and I just want to know if anyone knows how to do it. I even bent the spring trying to put it back into place. I somehow always try fixing something little and I make it way worse. The spring is highlighted in the photo and the area it needs to go has an arrow pointing towards it.
  6. I have heard that bass don't like the muddy ground. Why is this? Thanks!
  7. This is my first time using this website so here it goes. I believe my mach crush magnetic brakes are not working because no matter if the brake are at 10 or 1 the casting distance is the same and it is still pretty difficult to get a back lash. My spool tension and drag is set properly so I’m not sure what the problem is.
  8. My Lews BB2 Speed Spool and my Daiwa Squeaks when i reel line in when fishing. Idk what the problem is, is it the bearings? Been like this for a month and cant find the problem. Thanks
  9. *TL;DR at the bottom* Hey everyone Long story short I have a smallmouth river I camped at just a few days ago. Good smallmouth, and there are also lots of muskie in there. I want to catch one. I’ve got a few spots where I know there’s at least 4 muskie, and some big ones too. I will be wading with two others. I think I might be the only one who’s actually gonna target muskie in those spots that we know are muskie territory. They will be available to help out with landing the fish, since we do NOT have a net. I know this complicates things. We should be able to land the muskie using fish grippers right? One person grabs him with the grippers, then the one who caught the muskie will use pliers to unhook him. Then the angler grabs him the “right” way and lifts him up for the third person to take pictures. Then release. Does this sound best? The fish will be sitting in the water almost the whole time. Hopefully the muskie are nice and tired out and don’t give me too much trouble during this. Alternatively I could drag the fish onto a muddy/sandy bank but that doesn’t really sound good to me. We’re trying to minimize our chances of getting injured, especially since my older brother got his finger cut decently bad by a smaller one he caught by accident who wouldn’t stop thrashing when we were there the other day. And we’re 2 hours from the closest hospital so getting injured would be a bad idea. Also I’ll buy some 11 inch pliers to use. Should gloves be used? How exactly do you hold a muskie? I am 99% sure I know how to hold it, but 60% confident in my ability to do it correctly. Then there’s the gear question. I’m planning on dropping like 60 bucks at BPS to get some muskie baits and a leader. I’ll put those on my 7’2 heavy frog rod, which has 80 pound braid on it. Two questions here: what lures? I’m thinking I’ll just get two brown or orange spinners to look like a smallmouth. And what kind of leader? I’ve heard of using steel leaders or just super heavy fluorocarbon. Another thing I thought of: I’m worried about getting all the line peeled off my reel. It’s 80 pound braid, and since it’s so thick, there’s not a ton of it on there. (My reel is a regular SLX) I think I’ll need to chase the fish if it’s big? Anything else I need to know about fighting them? As far as holding them for pictures, I’m planning on just the regular you see online, holding them horizontally by the belly and the chin. Then also a cool angle holding it by the tail and the belly right above the water with his head pointing towards the camera so you can see the teeth. That angle will look especially cool since I’m standing in the water with it. Any other tips about staying safe, or just in general about muskie fishing? Sorry this post is so long, I’ll add a TL;DR at the bottom. I think I know the answers to most of these questions, but I want to make sure I’m doing this right and staying safe, and hopefully you agree it’s a good decision to check myself here. TL;DR: I don’t know s*** about muskie fishing and want to catch them in a river.
  10. Fellow anglers, I have an 18-acre lake by my house that used to be filled with bass and other fish but has been taken over by carp. The DNR is willing to stock the lake for free, but the only thing standing in the way is the anti-fishing policies of my city. All I need to do is convince the city to allow fishing on this lake, and the DNR will stock it for free. Even if you don't live in Cleveland or even Ohio, please consider signing it to show your support! http://chng.it/dZ5bzCck If you would like more info, there's more info on the petition page about specifics. Thank you!
  11. I recently bought a fishing kayak and have a trip planned in a few days on a clear water fishery. 10ft+ visibility. Weather is looking like clear skies and low wind. I've only ever been a pond bank fisherman so I have way more confidence in dirty water than I do clear. Big jigs, big spinnerbaits, big creatures baits are my usual, connected to 15-20lb mono leaders. What should I try using in clear water? I have some underspins, small t-rigged craw and worms, smaller spinnerbaits, would those work?
  12. Hello, I’m looking for some help regarding my Shimano Casitas 150HG. The reel casts fine, but when I turn the handle to reel it makes a somewhat loud noise. Im pretty sure it’s the bearing but my question is what bearing should I replace? And does anyone know the size? Thank you
  13. A local pond by me that's about an acre in a square shape has almost no bass bigger than really 6 inches. There's just about every species of bait fish (bluegill and rock bass in large numbers and perch and crappie in much smaller numbers) and carp that jump all over the pond, most likely all coming from the river very close by. The bottom is rocky with some weed patches and structure and seems to get semi deep although I can't really tell. The problem here is when fishing (most often fly fishing around the shore), there are tiny to medium bluegill, small to big rock bass, and the bass (3:1 smallmouth:largemouth) are all around 6 inches and just as big as the bait fish. It seems like the masses of bait fish that hide in the weeds around the shore should be amazing bait for big bass but as far as I know there's only been one 2 pound smallie my friend caught right as a rooster tail hit the surface. It just seems so confusing to me. Are there way too many bait fish and rock bass that compete with the little bass keeping them small (they almost always have fat stomachs even being so small) and how would one fix that? Thank you for your help.
  14. Just got another bass boat a week ago, this is my second bass boat. I got it for a great deal. I'm confused to how it works. It looks like an on board charger, not sure how it works and why there all the wires are going to one single battery. My pro craft is newer and has a plug in right next to the passenger seat. That's why I'm confused. Hopefully this doesn't sound dumb! Any help would be appreciated. Black box is in pictures.
  15. Hey all, I can plan on getting 4 whopper plopper 75s for my clear water lakes up north here. The smallies smash my poppers so these should have success. The problem is I have 5 options so if you could help remove one that probably isn’t necessary that would be appreciated. - Perch - Munky Butt - I know it - Bone - Loon Ones you think would work in stained waters as well are nice because I fish largies down south. Thanks for any help
  16. I'm in a club tourney weekly and I'm struggling to catch 5 keepers. Here's the broad overview: Location: lower michigan Lakes: natural and weedy <500 acres Time: 3 hours 6pm-9pm Keepers: 14 inches Winning weights: 10-13 lbs Number of boats: 15-25 I have a partner with limited fishing knowledge that relies on me to put us on fish and even what baits to use and how to use them. We have only caught 5 keepers one time out of the first 4 tourneys. My strategy started with us covering a lot of water and bouncing from one spot to another. After only catching one fish like that, decided to start focusing on 2 or 3 spots only. I try to prefish the lake and find 2 or 3 spots where I think we can catch fish. Most of these spots are between 10 and 15 feet deep. The lakes are generally not deeper than 25 feet. I have my partner using the ned rig and he is gaining confidence in it. I too have been using the ned rig or drop shot most of the time. These are my confidence baits and we are catching lots of fish just not the right size. So with this information, what should I change in our strategy in order to catch 5 keepers consistently. I believe if we can just catch 5 keepers we would have a chance at the money.
  17. I am new to baitcasters and I did a lot research and decided to go with the Shimano SLX DC 150HG. I have watched tons of videos on casting and how to fine tune and as far as I can tell I’m all set up just fine. I also bought a new pole it a Dobyns fury series. 7ft 1pc 8-17lb med/heavy mod-fast action. The line is 12lb braided. almost every cast I get a backlash even on setting 4 where backlashes are suppose to not happen. In all the videos I watched people are throwing out lures 100+ feet and not even thumbing it. I am getting the backlash as soon as I cast and the few times I don’t I get maybe 20-30ft and half of those times it backlashes after the cast. I turned the knob so the spook stops going left to right like everywhere says. one thing I tried was ignoring that and tuning it to the lure so when it falls it doesn’t backlash but that did not help. I don’t know what’s wrong. Any help with this would be very much appreciated.
  18. i bought a lews mach speed stick 7 foot medium power moderate action rod. I heard that isnt a good rod for around fishing. since im on a budget i cant buy every rod for every type of style so i need your help and opinion. Which type of rod is a good alround rod for like weightless plastic baits, texas rigs and other things. please help!!!!
  19. We have had a ton of rain the last 2 weeks with more forecasted next week so most of our local spots are dealing with significant flooding. What type of lure would you recommend for VERY muddy flooded waters?
  20. I don’t know if any one else has the problem I do I am good at bank fishing and shallow fishing i live in Huntington Texas about ten miles from lake Sam Rayburn one of the biggest lakes in Texas but i fish it all the time how ever I don’t really know how to fish in deep water and target big fish also there is only large mouth in the lake so if anyone has any info on what baits I could use and what I need to do to successfully fish deep.
  21. So there is a small pond (maybe a couple of acres) in my neighborhood. I have been fishing there for over a decade and have probably spent hundreds of hours fishing it. The bass are very overpopulated and skinny and seem to cap out at around 12 inches. There are also healthy bluegill and crappie populations, but no small baitfish really at all. The biggest bass I have caught in there was probably about a pound. However, just today I had a moderately sized bluegill hooked (maybe 5-6 in) and as I was bringing it in a huge bass grabbed it (my best guess is 5-6 lbs), lost it, and went for it again unsuccessfully. Of course, now I have to catch this bass, but I am not sure how: it seems like if I were going to catch it I would have done so by now. I have used pretty much every bass pattern there is out there in this pond, but crayfish patterns, topwater (especially frogs, but poppers too), and medium soft plastics (worms, super flukes are the best) tend to work best in there. There is essentially no structure in the pond, except for a dam and a feeder creek. It is shallow: maybe 4-5 ft in the middle. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to catch this guy. I haven't really tried live bait before, so maybe that would work? Idk. Thanks!
  22. So, I have 5 baitcasting rods and 5 reels. I'm looking for opinions on which reels to mount on which rods. Here's what I've got. -7'3" Xh fast frog/flippin rod -7'0" Mh fast plan to use for bottom. contact type baits. -7'3" Mh mod for bigger treble hook baits -7'0" Med fast I use for spinnerbaits/chatterbaits. -6'10" Med mod topwater rod. Small treble hook baits. And for reels.. -Caenan 6.3 -Chronarch Ci4 7.6 -Curado 70 7.2 -Curado K 7.4 -Slx Mgl 8.2 Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to give me their advice and opinions on which reel should go where.
  23. I target LMB, I fish alot of texas rigged Senkos, craws, 1/8oz jigs, etc.. I am planning on picking up a Tatula LT, but I can’t decide on the 2000 or 2500 size. I’m using 20lb braid to a fluoro leader, so no thick line. Pairing it with a 7’1 Med Fast Rod. Which should I get and why? (2000, or 2500)
  24. Hey, I got a pair of costa 400g green mirror sunglasses for Christmas. I'm wondering if I should return them and dish out the extra 50$ for 580g. But if there's not a really noticeable difference then I would like to keep the 400g's. Thanks for any advice you myt have!
  25. So I've been using 40pb powerpro on my baitcaster and sometimes mid cast it will stop suddenly and there will be a line in the spool over my line that caused it to stop during the cast it's really frustrating so if anyone could help I would appreciate it.
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