I have been absent from the site for a while now, about 4 weeks ago now going onto 5 I started feeling off. I kept going to work dealing with fevers that were 101-102 daily with spikes of 103-104 with Tylenol and Motrin. Then the foot pain started in both feet and it went to my joints, ankles, knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, wrists and finally my hands and fingers. I just thought it was a cold and kept going to work.
I would start work hobbling due to feet and knees, as the day went on it only got worse. I fought it as long as I could. Normal stuff at work that was easy was no longer easy, then you get a 3,000lb tool and controlling that was too much. I had to get to the bottom of it once and for all.
I finally got admitted to the hospital and they ordered a bunch of blood test and I thought that I had to about be out of blood. I was in the hospital for 4 days with no headway due to the complexities of my case. I had an appointment the day after I got out with a rheumatologist. I went to the appointment and he is thinking that I have still’s disease, going to piggy back off some blood samples that they pulled from me at the hospital.
I will find out more information next Tuesday, I have been off work going towards 2 weeks. It’s a real struggle and then on top of all of this my car has to go to the body shop on the 4th of January to get my damage from the deer that I hit repaired. They figure 2 weeks, insurance policy doesn’t cover rentals yay.
This is sort of all scary, considering that I am only 36 and watching your mobility and strength leave your body and the doctors can’t even give you a clue.
I hope that you all are doing better than me, I hope that you all have a happy holiday season. Sorry I just wanted to give you all a update on why I have not been to active lately.