<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1002735_10200516132000728_403241153_n.jpg">
One of two bass I caught Sunday afternoon at Lake of the Woods on my parents boat. had 4 back to back bites in the span of 10 minutes, missed the first two fish (passed the rod to my GF so she could catch her first bass, and he got off). But the last two fish I landed, were both gut hooked. Fortunately I was able to get the hook out with little damage to the fish, and they both survived. I'm setting the hook as soon as I feel the fish, but maybe I'm using the wrong type of hook for the application. its a small #1 J hook. I think its more of a drop shot type of hook, but its all I have on me to fish Senko wacky style.
For those of you who do alot of wacky rigging with Senkos, what type of hook is best to still ensure good hook up ratio, but with out the fish swallowing the hook? Thanks!