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  1. Lox Preserve, South End 6:30-Noon mostly cloudy water stained, 74* wind varied 5 to 20 NNW Little current Went to the Lox Road Ramps, with a friend Rick, at first light. There was lots of construction since my last visit. We had to take a detour to get to the ramp area and the parking area is full of pot holes. The wind was out of the N/W, so we ran west and fished the flats back toward the ramp. We both started with frogs, rick with a H/B frog, and me with Horny Toad. I had two blow ups on the Horny Toad, one with a miss, and a nice one that went airborne and came off. After that it went silent. We both switched to plastics and the bite was slow, but steady. Most were caught close to the spoil bank along the south flat. Around 9:00 the wind got so bad,and switched direction, we ran to find some shelter. We ran up the north canal until the wind died down a little. The bite in the north canal was not as good as the south flat. We ran back south and the wind dropped and shifted to the west. This made fishing much easier for us. We called it quits at noon with a 30 fish total. A lot of bites were aggressive, they wanted to play today. Rick and I had a great time with steady action and lots of conversation.
  2. Sunday 3/15/15, 7:00-1:00, Partly Cloudy, temp 85*, wind SE 5-10, water light stain, levels normal, W/T 78*. Went out today with my buddy Steve. We ran from the ramps east to the bridge and started fishing east. We caught fish right away and most were quality fish in the 3 pound range. Most bites were back in the pads fields on the north side of the canal. There were some visible beds but no fish present at the time. We experimented with quite a few baits but stick-0's and centipedes were the only productive baits. We ended up 45 bass and three big mudfish. Almost all bass were keeper size in the 2 to 3 pound range. It was a battle getting those 3 pound bass through 10 yards of pads. If you waited to set the hook, you were rapped in the stems. Setting the hook quick was key to getting them to the boat. We threw spinner baits, hollow body frogs, football jig, rattle trap, beaver, fluke, trick worm, u-tail worm, and only the the zoom centipede and the stick-o were consistently producing. There was only one other boat out there all day, and a bunch of friendly gators. Between the weather and the bass it doesn't get much better then that!!!!
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