My older brother was the first one who started me on fishing for bass.We spent a good portion of the summer at our grandparents farm, and went fishing almost every evening on the bigger of two ponds there. We mostly fished with baits we borrowed from our dad's or grandpas tackle boxes. Most were surface plugs. Hula Popper, Bass O Reno, and Lucky 13 were our favorites. A red/ white Lazy Ike was one we liked at times too. We would row the boat to the center of the pond, and slowly row and drift along, casting to the shoreline. The pond had a good population of 13" to 15" bass, and we caught quite a few, especially the last hour before dark. Our reels were Zebco 33, paired with fiberglass Heddon rods. These are my earliest memories of bass fishing. How did you get started fishing for bass? Who taught you, or did you learn on your own? What baits, and tackle did you have? We all fish for a variety of ressons.Without realizing it, my big brother helped to create memories which have, and will last the rest of my lifetime. Getting a youngster involved in fishing is one of the best things you can do. Create memories, and pass it on- down the line. What are your earliest memories of fishing for bass?