If I were given a choice for alternate species besides bass, crappie would be my first choice. Their a great tasting fish, and fun to catch. For a few seasons now, I've been going after stocked trout too. Our conservation dept stocks several small lakes in November each year. Lots of folks use powerbait, and other dough baits or nightcrawlers, and do very well. Since I like to walk and cast, I use small marabou jigs. Cast out, let them hit bottom, and pop them up off bottom several inches. Like most jig fishing, strikes are light, and come on the fall 95% of the time. I use a 6'6 light spinning rod and 4lb mono. Most all the trout are 12" to 14" inches long, although some larger ones are planted too. Within the first week of stocking these trout will hit lots of small lures and baits. They become more wary over time, and are harder to catch.Its a fun way to spend an afternoon. What are your methods for stocked trout?