Hello, and thanks for having me! My names Ethan (raised in Indiana, now in Michigan) and I've been fishing since I can remember. In fact I have home videos of a small me fishing with a crankbait on a snoopy pole before I could walk. My first bass was on a snoopy pole, and since then my addiction has only gotten worse (or better) depends how you look at it!☺️ I've never made an account here, although many of you have helped me without knowing it at times...and for that I say thank you!
Onto my question!
today on a cold front Michigan day I went fishing, something I always do☺️ Today was a bit different, for today I caught my personal best! I debated on keeping the fish for a mount, but she was too large and beautiful I felt it would be selfish.. how can I kill something that I personally would love to catch again as would many others? I released her BUT I still want a mount? Are there any replication companies that can make a look alike mount to my measurements and weight etc? Has anyone used a company before that they were satisfied with? I thank you for your time, and truly hope I did not screw up by releasing her...
in case anyone wondered. It was a 9.4 pound largemouth, would of been ten but she spit up some large bluegills! Just shy of 25".. a fish like that is why I go fishing in the first place!