I’d like to bring up an ever important topic, which is more relevant now than ever.
Why is it necessary to put these fish through tremendous stress during a tournament? From fighting for its life after being caught, if caught deep; maybe getting fizzed if it’s “lucky”, thrown in a live well, often taken in an out of the well throughout the tournament, weighed, weighed again, transferred to a suffocating bag, taken out of the bag to get a photo opp, then thrown back in miles away from its bed or territory…most of which don’t survive. I love to fish and maybe I’m sounding naive but I’d love if someone could explain how tournaments work & what individual tourny anglers do to make sure their fish survive. Electronics have taken over too & it’s added even more pressure but I’d like to leave electronics for another forum because that’s it’s own issue now, unfortunately. Everything I read tells me tournaments absolutely destroy fish populations. What do y’all know? Thanks