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Found 10 results

  1. I’ve been looking into fiberglass or composite rods and doing research on some different manufacturers. This will be my first glass/composite rod. It will be for cranking and chatterbaits/bladed jigs. Hoping it might help me with allowing the fish to get the bait better and with fighting fish. I know that many people say glass is heavier and less sensitive than graphite. The B-Hittay from the Randall Tharp Ark series is currently at the top of my list. I’ve read great reviews and it’s hard to pass up at that price. I’ve also looked into the Daiwa Tatula Elite 7’4” MH-R glass rod. Anyone have experience with either of these models? Any other suggestions worth a look? Trying to keep it under $200.
  2. If you have a Fiberglass or Aluminum boat, why did you choose that material for your boat over the other?
  3. This article states that you must wash with soapy water your fiberglass boat once a month wax it every 6 months. I've never done that to my 2 year old boat! I'm sure it's not a bad idea and recommended but I wonder how many people really do this? http://bluehq.com.au/aluminium-vs-fibreglass/
  4. I finally got to hold some Dobyn’s Champion casting rods in hand. They felt really good in hand and seemed to be of great quality. They had some of their crankbait rods but they were the graphite versions. I’m curious to know if the glass crankbait rods that they offer are full out glass or composite?
  5. I just finished pulling all the old lowrance equipment off of my bass boat, and Im left with a hole in the hull where the old flush mount transducer use to be. I know that I could just fiberglass the hole and permanently fill it, but I'm wondering if anyone has come up with another way to do it? A plug of some sort would be nice, in case I ever sell the boat or decide to get the flush mount Humminbird transducer. Any ideas?
  6. So I'm on the hunt for a 18'-21' fiberglass bass boat newer than 2002 for 10k-15k, any suggestions on what boats, where to look, and what brands to look into to? thank you~ Jacob
  7. Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well. So I'll be picking up my first boat in mid June. It's a 2008 Triton 21 hp with a Mercury pro xs 250. My grandfather and Dad have had deep sea boats for most of my life so I'm not completely new to the world and terminology of boating but I was hoping you guys would be able to help give me some of your tips and routines when it comes to owning a boat and how you care for and maintain it? Maybe mention a couple things you wish you knew when you had your first boat. How do you guys care for the trailer? For those of you that run a merc pro xs, what fuels, oils, additives etc. do you use? Any specifics about this engine I should know? so far I've found a few articles from here to help me develop my own routine but any advice would be great. Thanks in advance Kye Abraham
  8. So I know there's the old conversation of fiberglass vs aluminum and I know my question falls right into that. I have been looking at both these boats for a while now and can not decide which to pull the trigger on. I have discovered that a 115hp motor is the best option for me because it is the max horse power for my home lake but it still has enough power for likes like Hartwell and Clarks Hill. Does anyone own or has ever ran either of these boats? Any asvice would be greatly appreciated. This will be my first boat purchase and I am probably over thinking it I know. I want whatever is going to last the longest, be generally simple to maintain, and just be an all around good boat. Thanks.
  9. Hey guys, looking for a good crankbait rod, and from what I have gathered, I should use a fiberglass rod for my crankbaits. I am having a hard time figuring out a good, light weight, fiberglass rod. I am looking for something in the 100$ - 150$ range. It needs to be light weight and sensitive yet strong. I have never used a fiberglass rod so I dont know what to expect. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Matt
  10. Hi Everyone, I'm finally ready to buy my first bass boat and upgrade from my modified Valco i've been fishing for the past few years. I was going to go with a brand new Tracker aluminum, but i've seen some really good prices on used fiberglass boats. My budget is around 16-17k, can anyone give me any advice on these boats. I like the looks of both the basscat and triton here, but i'm not sure on the motor on the triton. The basscat looks nice but ive never fished from one, do they have enough storage and length for fishing with a few friends/? What do you guys think of these boats. Would it be better for me than buying a new Tracker aluminum?? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks Alot!! http://sacramento.craigslist.org/boa/2881800910.html http://losangeles.craigslist.org/ant/boa/2874439348.html
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