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Found 12 results

  1. The time has come for the 2025 Fantasy Fishing season to begin. For those unfamiliar, we have been doing this for a few years now as a fun way to compete and have a little fun among all our members. Do you think you have what it takes to take home 1st place for the season? Group Name: BassResource Password: BR2025 We encourage all members to play along. Just pick your anglers prior to each BASS Elite event and share them (or don't) with the group. It's all part of the fun! Here is the link to the official website. https://bassmasterfantasy.com/
  2. As some of you may know from my recent posts on here, you'll know that I recently purchased the new Daiwa Tatula Elite Long Cast reel. I've finally got some time in on the water with this reel to really be able to make an assessment of this reel. Backstory - I've own(ed) numerous Daiwa reels, but I've always primarily used them for flipping/pitching because I felt this was a category that Daiwa reels were superior at, and that my Shimano reels are better caster's. I've even own a Tatula HLC (hyper long cast) model that I use for frogging, but I was never keen on that reel because it wasn't the most comfortable in my hand. So whenever I heard that the new Tatula Elite was modeled off a Steez on the Tatula 100 frame and was tweaked for longer casting, my interest was piqued. Feel - Every Tatula I have ever owned has not been the most comfortable in my hands, but this new smaller size Tatula is very comfortable in my hand. It's small and compact, but it feels very sturdy in the hand with the aluminum frame and sideplate. The clutch/thumb bar has a very positive feel, and the braking system is also a breeze to adjust. My one gripe with this reel is that the handle knobs are a little smaller than I prefer to use and I have ordered a replacement set of RCS cork knobs to replace them. The Zero Adjust spool tension knob is a little different than what I'm used to, but I've started getting used to it. It's still possible to adjust, but it's somewhat difficult to do. On The Water - My first trip out with the reel. I spooled it up with 14lb Gamma Polyflex and mounted the reel on my Dobyns 736cb. I threw some spinnerbaits and buzzbaits with the reel. During this first outing with the reel, I kept getting overruns and backlashes every time I made a hard cast at full power. I wasn't sure if this was the reel, or the line I was using (since it was a little old). But I was very impressed at the distance I could get with this reel at 75% power. I was getting the same distance with this reel with less power, than I did with my Shimano's at full power. So this weekend I went out again, only this time I re-spooled the reel with Suffix 832 braid in 40lb test. Immediately I could tell the reel was performing much better. It quickly became apparent that this reel doesn't like if you put full power into a cast. But once you get the settings dialed in, I was able to bomb a buzzbait significantly further than any other reel I owned when throwing at about 70-80% power. What blew me away was how quickly the line flies off this reel during the cast. I think this is how the reel is able to achieve such great distance. Every time I would push it and cast too hard, I would be rewarded with a backlash. So there's definitely a sweet spot on the braking system and how much power to put behind your cast. What's nice is that I can make a soft cast and still get good distance. I can see this coming in handy on a long day whenever I'm tired, or for another angler who might be older or have a medical condition that hinders their casting. I hooked into three fish this weekend and the drag performed great for me. It was silky smooth and gave me no worries at all. The reel remained smooth and I didn't experience any issues while fighting fish and the reel performed exactly how I would expect any quality Daiwa reel to perform. Overall - I'm very impressed with this reel. I think I've still got some learning to do on how this reel performs, but I think I've got a good feel for it now. The distance with this reel is super impressive. So much so that I think I'll probably buy another in the 6:1 ratio to go alongside this one. If you're on the fence about this reel, I highly recommend buying one. And if you have any questions on the reel, I'll gladly try to answer them.
  3. Just got a new tracker boat and I want to upgrade the little fish finder that came with it. Never used a fish finder before. I want it to be at least 7 inches and have DI and SI. Out of the Lowrance Hook 2 7 tripleshot, Elite 7 Ti, and 7 HDS what would you recommend for a first time user that wants a product to work well and last for a long time? Also what are your thoughts on the Helix 7 and the garmen fish finders? Thanks, Alex.
  4. So im not really looking to buy one yet, just starting some research. I was wondering what everyone thought about these two units. I will be buying the 5 inch version, but I wanted to know what the difference between the two units (Lowrance Elite and Hummingbird helix) are and which is more user friendly?
  5. Has anyone used any of the daiwa tatula elite AGS rods? I use the original daiwa tatula line for all my rods and was wondering what was better about the new rods? I love the original tatulas, but the only problem i have is one of the single-footed guides breaking off every now and then. They're fairly easy to replace so it isn't much of a problem, but I just wish they were a bit more durable. Online, I've only been able to see the lower three-footed guides on the new AGS rods. i just wonder how many of the guides on each rod is three footed and how many are one footed? And are they (the one footed guides) any more durable? Is there anything else worth paying extra for on these rods?
  6. Googled all over the web and I can't find an answer to this simple question. Which is considered a more high-end box, Plano Elite or Plano Prolatch Stowaway boxes? I simply want the most durable. Their website does not make a clear distinction and their nomenclature of 'pro' and 'elite' in the product names is also confusing. Further confusing is why they appear to show boxes with an Elite-style latch on the Prolatch page: http://www.planomolding.com/fishing/stowaway-utility-boxes/prolatch-stowaway-utility-boxes, yet the Elite boxes have their own dedicated page here. http://www.planomolding.com/fishing/plano-elite-systems/plano-elite-organizers Plano if you're listening, can you improve the differentiation between your products through a description and/or better navigation links on your website please? Thanks.
  7. Hey Guys, Has anybody used these new Ugly Stik Elite Spinning Rods?
  8. I am looking at going big and getting a Legemd Elite 7'6" ML power XF action to use for dropshots. Was wondering about the overall performance of this rod. I will most likely be pairing it with a stradic CI4 and 10lb braid. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I am thinking about buying the Lowrance Elite 4x sonar version. No DI or anything just the color sonar version. Does anybody know if you can mount the transducer that it comes with inside the hull?
  10. I haven't came across anything on the forums about these rods. They really seem appealing due to the fact that they are made by 13 and have 40 ton graphite. They are Gander Mountain rods, and if these are better sensitivity and performance than the ***, you better believe I'd use them. They go on sale for about the same price or cheaper than the ***. The MSRP is $130. So has anyone had experience with these, what do you think? Here are some features from the website: Features: • 40 Ton graphite blank • Evolve N.E.R.D. Guides with Titanium Frames • Evolve Sniper Series Reel Seats • Fast actions for superior hook sets
  11. If you are playing fantasy fishing, what are you currently ranked? I am pumped because I am currently 145 in the nation... If I keep doing well maybe I can get into the top 100. Jay
  12. So I have been having a ongoing debate with my buddies about this one. In my bass club there are anglers who have been fishing our body of water for 20 to 30 plus years. These guys really know how to catch them consistently. My argument is that the elite pro's will not beat our seasoned club guys on this particular body of water. Everyone argues that the elite pro's are just that good and that they would win given a couple of days of prefishing. What is your thoughts? Are they so good that they can beat 20-30 years experience in a couple day of prefishing and win? ALL Opinions Welcome (AOW). Jay-
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