Well this'll be my first post here, and I thought what better to talk about than a bad day on the lake. Specifically the wind and drifting in a kayak. I'm relatively new to bass fishing in the sense I only started taking it seriously a 1-1 1/2 years ago, and I haven't fished out on the water much whether it be boat or kayak. However, a buddy of mine bought me a kayak [Pelican Challenger 100] a few months ago and on the 2-3 times I've taken it out, I've had a recurring problem with drifting. I typically can only make one or two casts before having to drop what I'm doing and re-adjust with my paddle completely. Now maybe it boils down to the kayak itself, since it's nothing fancy and is a simple fishing kayak I just paddle. I've been on two bodies so far; one being an oxbow lake off the Red and the other being Caddo Lake. The lake was much better since I could hide in the cypress forests and block the wind, but even then it was still unbearable. Ultimately what I'm wondering is if this is a general lack of experience/skill, or an equipment problem that is unavoidable without proper gear on a kayak? No matter the case, it really degrades a trip. If anyone with more experience could give me some tips or any help here I'd greatly appreciate it!