Gonna vent a little.Hope yall can understand- this forum is like facebook to me.
Anyway,Ive worked at the same place since 1993.I have never been written up for discipline for any reason.I have one minor accident, when the owner pulled in behind me when I was backing up.I have consistently promoted the company esp. With the customers.It has overall been a good place to work and has generally met our needs.I have been there 10 years longer than the next employee.I get plenty of positive feedback from the customers.etc.
The problem is, I feel mistreated by the management( of which I used to be one).Now I do bids on the services we do.Love the job.
But I am 100% commision.Thats fine.But they are continuing to add micro management( forms for forms, meetings, follow up for follow ups.My time is being eaten up for things that guys on the clock could do.
So I stood up and complained because I feel it violates a principal.I spend so much time with all these additional things that it cuts into my sales time and personal time.So now im told that some of my biggest revenue will be given to the other guys ( who are brand new ) .So I pled my case to no avail.
Im sitting there thinking about that and the big boss comes in and rudely tells me to get my feet off her new table.And my feet werent even on her table!!
I have been the top producer in sales for 4 years every month but 2 .But I an treated like a red haired stepchild.I love work and am very thankful to have a job.I try and pray every day for patience.But this kind of thing is really bothering me Any thoughts?