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Found 9 results

  1. Any fellow Delawareans that frequent these boards? Im looking mostly for anybody who lives in New Castle county, but hell the states not that big so if you live in LSD we could meet in the middle!
  2. Small "team tournament" club based in Newark, DE is looking for a few new boating teams for the 2018 season. Our dues and entry fees are low ($25-$30) to keep things fun. We will not exceed 8 boats for this club (just a nice manageable number for the area). Good club for experienced and novice sticks alike. We fish Saturday's March - November (12 tournaments plus end of year "classic") at locations ranging from DE public ponds to the Upper Bay to Lake Anna (last year's end of year tournament). If you're interested, please reach out and say hello. We'd love to get a few more teams added by our first derby date(March 24th).
  3. it's that time of year again, if you are on or near the eastern shore come check this out!
  4. I'm looking for 10 or so anglers to help start up a club based in Northeast Maryland. We would likely fish the tri-state, MD/PA/DE area. I want for this to be a mixture of beginning to moderately skilled anglers. Men and women are both welcome. The intent is for this to be highly organized, but friendly and low stress. I'm not looking for people who have been fishing tournaments all their lives. More for some people who want to have some fun, catch a few fish, and maybe win a few bucks every month. I don't want people to feel intimidated by the other anglers. I guess this is more for the people who like to fish but really don't have the time to put in to commit to a full-on club. We'll have a president, VP, treasurer, secretary, and all of the other offices, so it will be official. I'll preside over the first meeting just to get things started but we will vote on the positions at the end of that meeting. We will have bylaws, job responsibilities for the officers, but mostly just have some fun while fishing by official B.A.S.S. rules. If you are an experienced tournament angler you are still welcome. Just remember that this is for moderate to beginning anglers. We don't want any know-it-alls or Joe Fishermen who have been there and done that. If you have then great - but be respectful others who don't know the difference between Mono and Fluoro. Age is not a factor so long as you are 18 and over. I am almost 50 if, if that makes a difference towards you joining. If you are interested just respond here or private message me.
  5. Just a small snippet of my recent tournament adventures. Up until very recently (the past 2 months to be exact) I have been an annual "donater" in both of the small tournament organizations that I fish in. I'd use the same techniques as all the other guys out on the water, fish the same areas that should hold fish etc etc. Sometimes I'd land a nice fish or two, but would fall short of a limit, or I'd have a limit and not have any big bites. I was starting to think that I would never be able to put it all together on a tournament day (even if I can normally do alright on any regular day of fishing). Combine this with my lack of confidence at most endeavors on a daily basis...yeah, not really a winning combination. My normal co-angler couldn't go to one of the tournaments, and I was asked if I wanted to be a co-angler for someone else who also was short a partner. These are small tournaments, so you can fish with anyone at any particular event, not a regulated partner required for the duration of the season. I agreed, figuring to give my old boat a break, not to mention saving my back from trolling motor duties for a day. The new boater and I got along well and had a decent day of fishing. I busted my a** to the best of my ability, trying to get fish in the boat as hard as I ever had. We ended up finishing third - the lowest spot that still made pay-out that particular day. It was my first time cashing in a tournament. About two weeks later (back with my normal partner) - we fished another tournament at a private pond and just lit the fish up - suddenly fishing felt easy, I wasn't really thinking about what if X or Y, I was just doing. Every cast I was confident there would be a fish on - going so far as to call a few hook-ups before they actually happened. Not that I was feeling cocky or anything of the sort, but on some casts it just...felt right - if that makes sense. Like I knew before the bait hit the water. We finished the tournament without incident (always a good thing) and ended up winning - I couldn't have been more pumped. Finally it had all come together. Last weekend..it happened again - my partner and I didn't quite slay the bass like the previous tournament, but we caught a limit and managed to cull 3 times - lucking out as we only caught 9 bass all day, and we won for the second straight time. During this small win streak, I've done nothing different than I normally do, EXCEPT - I believed I would catch fish. I don't know if this somehow subconsciously made me fish harder, faster, more efficiently or something...but I am certain of one thing - winning made me happy at first...but now I'm bloodthirsty. I don't want to go back to being a "donator" as they used to call us...these few wins have become a catalyst for me. I've always valued soaking up as much information and experience as possible - but now I feel like it is time to shift into high gear, because I want to keep on winning. A few small wins does not a good fisherman make, but hopefully I can continue to hone and improve my skills, and shake any doubt that perhaps all of this was just a fluke. Plus it is kind of nice to see some of those smug grins that used to greet me, turn into more pensive stares when I carry my bag of fish up to the scale. Only time will tell, but I've got new motivation for once, which is refreshing. tl:dr; I managed to win a couple small tourneys; Confidence is some strange fishing enigma that I might have glimpsed briefly; I hope to keep improving. Thanks for reading this meandering post.
  6. Snuck in some fishing early this morning with my buddy before my day of errands begins. Was out on the water around 06:45 this morning, it was slightly cool around 64 degrees when we started fishing. First pond we went to was absolutely choked with vegetation. While the top of the water was clear of debris, you only had between 8" and 2' of water to fish in. I tried a couple of the new baits I received in the newest MTB (won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't received theirs) but had no luck. We loaded back up after about an hour of no bites and went to another pond about 15 minutes away that we knew had no vegetation. Only problem with this pond is we have been consistently skunked there for the last year. I was not optimistic about my chances but figured we would give it a shot. Fished for about an hour alternating between Senko and Horny toads - nothing doing there. Swapped to one of my new Siebert jigs and started fishing out towards the middle of the pond. Each of us landed one fish on jigs - and while it isn't anything to write home about - I was doubly excited, it is my first Siebert jig fish, and it appears Siebert jigs have helped bust up our long lasting curse of being skunked. Anyways here is a picture.
  7. My buddy and I went out and fished two days last week on a little creek that runs near the Delaware/Maryland line. Caught probably 25-30 fish over the two days, mainly dinks, but there are big fish to be had. Largest thing we caught was a decent sized Chain Pickerel. Fishing was best in the morning, and the bites turned difficult very quickly when the sun came up and the temperature jumped over 90 before noon. Threw an assortment of baits, caught mainly on Green Pumpkin/Amber, Black/Blue fleck, and Blood Worm colored Senkos. Got my first chance to try out my Live Target Bait Ball, and Poppin' Frog. No luck on the frog, but the bait ball caught 3 small perch...the bait was fatter than they were, but hey, it caught fish on its maiden voyage haha. Typical Delaware fishing, nothing excitingly large, but plenty of dinks. Picture of my buddy with his big catch of the day (only had one cell phone on us, and I was too lazy to unlock my phone to have him take pictures of my fish. I'll be sure to post some of mine next time):
  8. Delaware offers a program to promote catch and release, as im sure most states do, whereas if you catch a citation size fish you can send in for a patch. Here's mine from my PB caught back in May.
  9. Hello all! I have been bitten by the bass bug as recently as a week ago! I just got back into fishing maybe a year ago. I am 28 years old and fished as a youngin’ in Virginia. I have been here in Delaware for 16 years, not much in ways of large lakes around me but we do have some smaller river access and ponds, also that thing called the Atlantic Ocean! I try to go fishing with a buddy at least once a week (I can’t get out every day like he does) we fish mostly Lums Pond, targeting carp but happy with whatever hooks up. Looking forward to pouring over this website and learning a lot!
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