Hi everyone, here's the situation I find myself in.
I'm going to be the owner of a 6'6" M action Daiwa S baitcasting rod that I'm going to be using for the following lure types; square bills, crankbaits, and spinnerbaits. None of the lures will be heavier than 3/8oz. I'll be fishing around docks with rock and weed with the occasional tree limb thrown in for good measure. The water is generally clear with visibility of a couple of feet.
I already have my favourites when it comes to braided, flurocarbon, and mono line so am not looking for specific brands to fish with.
Rather, I'm wondering on which lines combinations would work and how you would spool the baitcaster appropriately. Would it be better to use braid as backing and then use fluro with some line conditioner or should I be running mono on a braid backing?
Before the debate over floating and sinking line comes into play, I want to let everyone know that the fluro brand that I use floats well as I've used it as a leader for floating jerkbaits without any issue.
Appreciate any feedback anyone can provide.