Anyone else here have chickens?
I think having chickens is fun, all the different breeds and their different personalities. Yes I know, for the most part chickens are very dumb and are only good for the meat and eggs they provide, but all the different colors, sizes, temperaments, egg color, and variations make them pretty fun to have.
The 1st time buying chickens ended up being an absolute fail due to a neighbors rottweiler breaking into the coup and killing all but 1 of them. My 1st batch consisted of Golden Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Australorp, Buff Orpington, and Ameraucana (Easter Egger) They were a lot of fun and were just starting to lay when the catastrophe happened. It burnt me for a few years but this last December we decided to get my daughter a few for Christmas. After some research my mom told me about a breed called Serama.
They are the world's smallest chicken and are supposed to make great pets due to their friendly temperament. We got them at 1 day old and they are now 6 weeks old and doing great. My 3 year old daughter named most of them and thinks they are great.
Here is a couple pics of the Seramas at 1 day old. They are super tiny.
The bottom two pics are from yesterday. They are 6 weeks old. Their names from left to right are: Daddy, Pistol, Percy, and Fluffy