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Found 18 results

  1. Has anyone had experience rigging any kind of hard bait (jerk bait or crank bait) on a Carolina Rig? Share any tips please.
  2. Hey BR, This video discusses how I tie a Carolina rig, the components I use and top 5 baits in my opinion. Hope you all like it and thanks for watching?
  3. Ive been thinking about making some carolina ready rigs like the brass ones but using tungsten. I used the carolina keepers but they slide down on my line. anybody have any advice in the keepers
  4. Hi BR, Got to fish Sam Rayburn with Ken Smith recently and we had a blast. Below is a video of our day...hope you like it! Thanks for watching! James N
  5. What rod do you think would work better while C-Rigging from a kayak? 6'10" MH fast action or 7'4" MH fast action?
  6. I've recently started toying with a c-rig...yes i know crazy. My weight is 5/8 oz. And when i cast a lot of times my plastic, be it craw, worm, or swimbait, goes further than my weight. Am i missing something or is this normal? My lure is going approximately 35-45 yards amd my weight is usually 7-10 yards short of that. Any help appreciated.
  7. im so angry right now. I usually don't get mad when i lose lures or have to break my line but this was it. I have yet to be able to fish from any location off the banks without my lure getting hung under a rock or something in the water. It doesn't matter what I fish with if it is not rigged weightless it gets hung. what am i doing wrong? anything? if i add a small 1/8 oz weight to be able to cast further it still happens. i think these things hate me. rigged up a carolina rig and a texas rig last night with a swivel and within 1 hour this morning they both got hung on rocks in the water. no matter the area they always seem to find that one rock and craw in it.. im not talking about right on the bank where the water stops i usually pull over that when it comes back in.. im talking about anywhere in the water that i cant get to at least 5ft away from the bank. I was so scared one day i tied on a bass jig and put a dang float on my line so it wouldnt reach the bottom (ha!)
  8. Hey there everyone! Needing a bit of advice so I am going to attempt to try to fish using a Carolina Rig which I have never done before. Most of the lakes i will be fishing is roughly no more that 20-25ft deep. So I learned on here that there is this contraption called a Carolina keeper that you can put on your line so you dont have to tie multiple knots. I have lots of different plastics and creatures/craws that i can throw on there what size hook should I use or recommended type of plastics? Do i use kindof the same set up as a Texas Rig except you have a weighted leader with a bead? Placing the hook into the plastic the same way as a texas rig? Now can I cast that into some pretty heavy cover? I live like 30 miles south of Seattle and alot of the small lakes in the area have submerged weeds and lots of lily pads. Thanks so much for the advice and help.
  9. I'm just wondering if anyone has attempted to use a soft plastic frog, like the Z man hard leg frog, on a C-rig. And if so, did you have any luck.
  10. Ok so I just stuck a nice largemouth in the head a couple weeks ago offshore on a railroad bed with a Carolina rig... 5 lbs exact my new PB. Just wanted to know what y'all think about summertime fishing, what baits y'all like, what structure and cover to look for on the graph
  11. Going to a private 30 acre lake Monday here in central Texas. Not sure what to rig for? We have had a lot of rain in the last month or so. I have 4 rods and need advice on how to rig and what to throw?
  12. Hey all, I'm trying to put together a list of different ways to rig soft plastics. Pretty straightforward. I'm planning to try all these this summer, and maybe do a how-to on them. So far we've got: Texas rig Carolina rig Wacky rig Drop shot rig Neko rig Alabama rig Weightless rig Shaky head rig General jig rigging (football, swim, bladed) Ball head/underspin rig Split shot rig That's all I got so far. Let's hear some more, plus any you randomly come up with!
  13. Hey all, I recently got some extra ca$h from my job (tackle shop on the weekends!), and wanted to get some new terminal tackle, or rather, a box of it. I just wanted to hear some feedback on what stuff to include in it. I want an assortment of hooks, weights, etc that I can use to rig basically every plastic out there. Thanks a bunch, Drew ~Catch 'em
  14. Hi all, I am always looking to try new techniques for bass fishing and the next one I want to try is the Carolina Rig. I have researched online for the basic rig and setup but I am still confused as what is the feel of the line so you know its time to sweep the rod for the hook set. I bought a 1/2 ounce tungsten weight, clear bead, and a Carolina Holder to try the next time I am out on the water. Any suggestions are welcomed that will make it easier to learn this fishing technique. Thank you all
  15. I’ve been puzzled by the scarcity of floating plastic worms on the market for bass fishing. There are a few, mostly marketed for topwater, but the vast majority of plastic worms sink. Add the weight of a hook, and they sink even faster. Now for putting a worm on a jig, a Texas rig, wacky rig, or whatever, having sinking worm is just fine. But when it comes to Carolina rigs, doesn’t a floating worm make a lot of sense? Cast out, wait for the rig to sink to the bottom, but the worm floats up a few inches, right in front of the bass’s face. Reel in, and sinker drags through the bottom debris, attracting attention, while the worm floats along just above, in plain view. Is there a tough bite leaving the bass hidden in bottom rocks and roots after a cold front? Just let the worm sit, floating just above the bottom, tantalizing the slow-moving fish. As has been mentioned on another thread, people have been trailing crankbaits behind Carolina rigs for years. We have lures for a wide range of depths from the surface down, and weighted lures for bottom fishing. Since most fish orient to the bottom, rather than a specific depth (open water thermocline excluded), having a lure that could be fished at “bottom plus X” makes a lot of sense. So why does this not seem to be common practice? Is it difficult to make floating plastic worms? Does it turn out that a worm laying on the bottom is just as effective? Are people already doing this and the lure makers haven’t caught on yet? What do you think?
  16. I went finish today and ran into this problem. I have never broken off on a Carolina rig before and I did it 3x today on some big rocks, once at the leader and twice I lost everything. Has anyone else experienced this? I am thinking either I should T rig around big rocks or my swivels/knots are weak. I had it set up like this: bullet weight, bead, swivel on 10 lb braid, then 10 lb fluoro to hook. Knots were Palomar, imp clinch, palomar. I hope there is a work around because I seem to have better luck Carolina rigging bank fishing over Texas rigging.
  17. I am a novice bass fisherman w a cottage on clear cold water Maine lake. Good small mouth population and texas rig is very popular here. I have read about using carolina rig w floating tubes or worms with a whitish color. Has anyone had success w this approach and can you recommend a vendor for carlina rigs and floating baits.
  18. I have never been much of a worm guy, just was never good for it. I have always harbored an affinity however, for soft plastic jerkbaits and crawfish imitating baits. Recently, while fishing in a shallow farm pond I came upon an area with a plethora of shallow, cut, close to shore trees. I considered running cranks through it but bass were holding to thick sideways branches half of which were sticking out of the water. The bass in said pond do not have a distinct favor towards spinnerbaits. I figured I should fish a soft plastic jerkbait, but the water was so muddy. Low and behold in my tackle box I stumbled upon the answer. I took a blade off a beetle spin, attatched it to the hook of a Texas rigged, gulp smelt, a caught a ton in no time. This is now hands down my favorite rig for shallow muddy, snag rich cover where only a jerkbait will do.
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